Duchess Ivy Van Ness ni Aesin
Ynga Fross of the Scarlet Shadow

Sidhe Wilder
Lady of the Scarlet Shadow
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty
Seneschal of the Principality of the Suncup Balm


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: White and black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A fabulously gorgeous and radiant young woman of the sweetest disposition
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (sublime); Sanctity

Fae Mien
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 129 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Spring-green
Hair: Long braided red
Clothing: Black and white promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A fabulously gorgeous and radiant young woman of the sweetest disposition
Supernatural Qualities: All the qualities and beauty of a Sidhe faerie-queen shine through
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, including a queenly tiara
Traits: Appearance 7 (sublime); Sanctity

"Ver, that’s really not a good idea. Actually, it’s a terrible idea. Why don’t we try this instead…"


Date of Birth: April 28th, 1986
Home: Sointula, Malcolm Island, British Columbia, Canada
Family: Agnew and Iduna Van Ness (parents), Veronica (older sister)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (Ivy’s family lived in an isolated island village, her father a fisherman often at sea; well into her adolescence, the Aesin returned and were drawn to she and her sister, perhaps drawn by ancient bloodlines long forgotten, and in the moment of her change during a daydreaming episode she shared with her sister; she chased after her sister who flash-froze their entire village, she alone immune, so she sought to help and protect her sister from herself and the consequence of that inadvertent tragedy), 1999
Mentor: none
The Test: Trial by Wit (Ivy helped the distraught Veronica flee Sointula across the ford onto Vancouver Island; the only Sidhe or fae at all in that area, save perhaps some uncaring Nunnehi, they were forced to rely on their memories of Arcadia and one another’s support to manage through the becoming of Sidhe ladies, eventually traveling to the mainland to find other fae, and eventually visiting Queen Laurel’s court, where they were Named and, to everyone’s surprise, the Dreaming revealed the sisters as Aesin princesses; Laurel—against Duke Rococo’s wishes—bestowed Vancouver Island as their principality to rule, and a number of interested fae accompanied them home)
Comrades: Veronica Van Ness, Erin Wallister, Holly Roff, Serena Bellamy
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (with the aid of hardy commoners interested in seeking new holds and Dreamers, perennially supporting her sister, Ivy learned the ropes of rulership, at least over her faerie demesnes known as the Suncup Balm; the bright and resourceful girl proved a quick study)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (Veronica’s power flared out of control on occasion, and she shunned all retainers and subjects for their own protection; Ivy became her proxy voice, and most of the fae understood the conflict; rumors that Duke Rococo sent Shadow Court provocateurs to capitalize on this weakness turned out unfounded, at least so far)
Key Event #3: War (dark chimerical ice-monsters crawled out of the northern waters and began to harass all fae of the island, so the Van Ness girls responded personally; while skilled in many faerie Arts, the elementals proved resilient, forcing both girls to think on their toes; ultimately, the monsters were vanquished and their summoners—a circle of vengeful Nunnehi witch doctors—were settled with diplomatically, given swaths of territory most Kithain had little interest in anyway)
Transition: Defeat (Duke Rococo finally made his move against the Van Nesses, sending a Bogle conspirator to spread rumors and lies about Veronica’s past, some of which ironically struck close to the truth—and to that Thallain’s shock, resulted in Veronica’s punishment by furiously flash-freezing him to death; however, the subjects of Suncup called on her to abdicate despite Ivy’s defense of her sister, that while they largely trusted and adored her still, there were just "too many questions" now; Queen Serena then appeared and whispered of Veronica’s greater destiny to be fulfilled, and called the Van Ness girls into the Ensemble; Suncup was left in the hands of a capable regent, Lord Han Kendell ap Aesin; Veronica herself seemed dubious but Ivy supported Serena’s vision)


Magnitude: Ivy’s memories of her faerie past are more limited than her sister’s: she can recall only the past century or so.
Details: She pieced together as much as she could about faerie life from memory during her Chrysalis. Mostly, she recalled that she had always, in fact, been Aesin royalty.


Appearance: A slender steel double-edged knife meant for self-defense with a leather scabbard etched with mythological fancies.
Origin: Inherent


Names: Jan Lightfoot, Vanessa Hoight
Roles: House Servants

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Arcane chant, kiss a jewel and touch subject, shower in rose petals, crystal divination, recite lineage

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:

Forever Loyal

No matter what her sister Veronica has done, is doing, or will do, she will always protect, defend, and support her.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though Ivy has a big heart and is not by any stretch a wicked girl, she is involved a Shadow Court conspiracy that may pit her very soul in peril.


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