Squire Cedric Rajak ap Ailil
Tiog Amadan of the Forsaken Fortifications

Pooka Wilder
Armiger of Cat Doubel
Cabal of the Feuding Forest


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lb.
Ethnicity: Indian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short simple brown
Clothing: Navy-blue or black business professional
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: This handsome Indian-American bears a regal prestige that keeps his chin high and eyes bright; he is well-dressed, attentive, and bold, quick to flash pearly-white teeth in a broad smile
Supernatural Qualities: That smile, however, proves unsettling by the edge of his intentions, almost predatory—considering how he dresses, perhaps he's a Wall Street broker?
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, Mask of the Rajah
Traits: Appearance 4 (regal); Style 3; Intimidation

Fae Mien
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 200 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black, orange, and white-striped fur
Clothing: Simple (silk robe)
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Supernatural Qualities: But in Cedric's fae mien, the reason for that underlying fright reveals in a figure famed in ancient lore: the rakshasa, part-man, part-tiger, his powerful body ripples with languid predatory muscle beneath soft fur and silk voile; prehensile hands also flex with deadly hooked claws; and his head, entirely feline now, fills ear to ear with a sharp-fanged smile and gleaming tiger eyes
Accoutrements: Mask of the Rajah
Traits: Appearance 4 (regal); Intimidation

Animal Form
Height: 9'10"
Weight: 500 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black, orange, and white-striped fur
Supernatural Qualities: In Cedric's truest of true forms, that of a "common beast", he prowls the world as a great Bengal tiger, a rumbling growl always on the tip of his rough tongue, stalking this world as if he owns it, or at the least as if nobody owns him!
Traits: Appearance 4 (regal); Intimidation

"Such certainty! I'd hate to have to prove you wrong, milady."


Date of Birth: May 7th, 1990
Home: Greenwich, Connecticut, United States
Family: Anil and Divya Rajak (parents), Melody (younger sister)
Chrysalis: Observed Injustice (grew up just across from Long Island in the wealthy city of Greenwich, where his Indian-American parents thrived, his father a doctor; Cedric grew up feeling in his heart that he was "a lord"; this was affirmed in his teens when a gaggle of jealous older white boys attacked him after a party one night, and it triggered his latent faerie soul, revealing a terrifying tiger essence that nearly ripped them to pieces), 2002
Mentor: Countess Jaden Maitland ni Ailil
The Test: Trial by Influence (local noble retainers homed in on that burst of Glamour and brought the confused 12-year old before the local rulers, who expressed surprise by his Kith and kind; these Unseelie lords eagerly helped him complete his Naming, so they could "put him to use" as soon as possible)
Comrades: Quincy McCarthy, Devyn Maddocks, Tatiana Hanraoi, Justin Hanraoi
Key Event #1: Treachery (Cedric was no fool and knew they were using him; he returned to his family, prouder than ever, and finished school; as he did, he served the Unseelie lords, particularly his local House senior, by sniffing out potential recruits and retainers from the fae all over)
Key Event #2: Treachery (the Unseelie wanted to use him merely to frighten the Seelie, as if that was all his worth; he proved his sharp and independent mind by slipping away from fealty without violating it, by fulfilling the original commands before new and stupid ones could be issued; that meant he went out of state for college, to the University of Chicago, where he continued dutifully his work of searching for potential recruits to the Unseelie banner from other fae)
Transition: Loss of Companions (eventually though he returned to the Big Apple area, intent always on maintaining independence; yet that very same fierce independence rendered the Pooka squire alone more often than not, out of place despite his inherent majesty, and he grew increasingly resentful over it, such that he began working with even crueler fae)


Magnitude: About 100 years
Details: Cedric remebers back before the Resurgence, when he was a commoner wandering British-governed India; he also remembers when and why he sided with the Sidhe during the Accordance War...

Significant Other

Names: Devyn Maddocks, 2012
Nature: Volatile



Mask of the Rajah
Appearance: A wooden mask carved and painted to resemble a mustached Indian aristocrat
Origin: Inherent
Effects: 1) Once worn and activated, the wearer takes on the illusory appearance of a mustached Indian man in his 30s or 40s of high birth (regardless of the user's actual caste, ethnicity, or even gender, even hiding a fae mien)
Activation: The command phrase "among the flock" in Hindi must be whispered after donning the mask.

Bunk Styles

Style: Magic Realism
Examples: Talking to animals, palmistry, walk widdershins 3 times, whispering to the spirit world, staredown

Shere Khan

Cedric is not unlike the tiger from the famous Jungle Book story: cruel, domineering, jealous, obstinate, and dangerous. These are not traits that endear him to anyone, not even other "cool cats".

Likelihood of Corruption


His bitter solitude may place him in the cross-hairs of the Shadow Court's interest for recruitment...or removal.


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