Lord Alaric Bronzen ap Gwydion
Rimorro Creum of the Burnished Battlements

Sidhe Grump
Baron of the Lodge of Brass Horizons


Mortal Seeming: ~Like a pillar of right, Alaric stands tall and strong. The good-looking and well-muscled Caucasian boasts continued vigor in his ailing twenties, though his liquid-brown eyes hint at maturity beyond even these years. Alaric's sturdy features include a chiseled chin and sharp nose. His short, simply-fashioned hair collects the colors of autumn and refracts them in deep blue-blacks and ruddy-browns. Alaric seems easygoing enough, except that a smile is often lacking from the gentleman's lips. And gentleman would be an appropriate term. He wears crisp khakis, suede loafers, and a $200 Polo shirt when he's relaxing. More often than not, Alaric's appearances include a sharp sports suit in domestic, conservative colors. He indulges in little jewelry, limited normally to tie and lapel pins. But he always wears a heavy and bejeweled ring on his left hand -- a class ring, perhaps? Alaric does exude the appearance of a college athlete turned banker or corporate mogul, after all.~

OOC: Appearance 3

Fae Mien: ~Devilishly handsome, Alaric presents a golden face that would be memorialized for years to come were he some celebrity. The sidhe's dark hair only darkens save for shocks of gray that signify the borderline Grump's temper. His features grow more refined and better chiseled, as if Michaelangelo sculpted Alaric's face. His ears peak as all sidhe, though it hardly evokes delicate beauty -- only otherworldly magnificence. Though the sidhe's gaze stays a steady brown, deep in his pupils glints a verdant hue. His expensive garments are replaced with more noble affairs. The finest cottons and leather of black and white are worn. Baggy black trousers disappear into polished boots. A belt loops around his waist. A light leather vest dyed black encases his chest and back. Etched into the left side is the sigil of House Gwydion. A long-sleeved snowy-white shirt with fluffy Victorian sleeve-ends engulf his torso. Alaric's hair lengthens just enough that he pulls it back into a small braid, bound by black leather cord. This gives him an appearance reminiscent of colonial plantation owners. And while the color of skin means nothing to the alien mind of the sidhe, Alaric often stands as accusable as the whip-wielding overseers of that period. The Baron drives his subjects forward like the lashing wind of a Midwestern summer storm.~

OOC: Appearance 5

"Freedom through obligation! Dreaming through action! I can't promise you life, but I can promise you victory!"



The mid to late 60s was a fine time to be born if your father was over enlistment age and had an excellent career as a successful bank investor. That's how Alaric's life began -- well-off. To make things even better, Alaric was an only child of his rich father and beautiful, local supermodel mother. The Kellers dwelled in a large home in the suburbs of Kansas City. Alaric attended public school but was otherwise spoiled at home. Fortunately, Alaric was a very athletic youth, naturally strong and fast. He participated in sports in the neighborhood and in clubs throughout his academic school career. And he excelled at them, too, especially lacrosse. And since he was so friendly, good-natured, and good-looking, Alaric was almost always propelled to team captain in whatever sport he played.

While sports put discipline back into his life where his wealthy parents sometimes faltered, Alaric stayed popular in school. He always had plenty of friends. But he never got into fights with jealous peers -- the strong kid was seen as too imposing to challenge. And Alaric was smarter than some thought. He did well in academics, staying on the honor roll through most of his school career. And of course, Alaric was involved in class government. The representation and government of people actually excited Alaric more than his lacrosse, girlfriends, and winning prom king. Maybe it was the feel of that kind of authority or power placed in his trust that made him feel greater. But by his junior year in high school, he knew what he wanted to do with his life -- politics.

Meanwhile, in another aspect of the wide world, the Resurgence drew the Sidhe back into the banal, mundane world. He was 7 in 1969 when the sidhe first began to pour back into the world. The noble that would one day inhabit Alaric's form, however, did not immediately arrive, and would not until the 80s. Thus, was Alaric both ignorant and innocent of the war between fae commoners and nobles.

Chrysalis & Tutelage

And ignorant of his future as Sidhe, Alaric graduated high school and attended Kansas City University on a lacrosse scholarship. Of course, he majored in political science. Alaric played lacrosse and pursued his degree. And all went perfectly smooth until his senior year. Little did Alaric know that his assets drew the attention of a sidhe propelled from Arcadia. Souls were exchanged, and Alaric's human spirit began to reside in a fantasy realm -- poorly or well, none could say. But confused and disoriented, the new sidhe barely recognized who or what he was. This changeling way was pretty new to this noble. He found his memories mingled with Alaric's, and in the banal world Alaric's human memories mostly overtook his more fragile fey dreams. So for a short time, the new Alaric experienced nothing but some discomfort. Then he began to notice himself in the mirror in a very different way. Thinking he was drunk or suffering a secondhand high from pot-smokers in his dorm, he blinked and stared long and hard. His reflection would waver back to a human seeming when he tried too hard. But now and then, when he would glance in the mirror, he would see his true fae self…and it disturbed him.

Besides that, Alaric's behavior began to alter. He found reasons and excuses to disregard logic and reason in his studies, sometimes altogether. Fortunately, all of his math and "hard" science credits were out of the way… And so his thinking only affected his interpretation of social sciences. Where he was once a champion of democracy, Alaric suddenly spoke up for the merits of Socrates' "philosopher-king", and the beauty of a good (if theoretical) autocracy. Some rationalized his new line of thinking to his sports career, since he was often team captain. But Alaric only alienated himself more and more from his friends and peers. The "hallucinations" worsened by day and in the night, his dreams were plagued with all sorts of fantastical images.

And some nights, they weren't fantastical so much as terrifying. Nightmares of colorful and unbelievably fast tornadoes tore through his sleep. He began to suffer insomnia and that gradually grew until he felt like he would snap. Final exams were pushed through with a miraculously academic subconscious perfection (no doubt the sidhe shining through in matters of political sciences). And though his logic was clearly askew, he enjoyed explosions of creative energy and genius, writing beautiful and insightful theses. The dazed Alaric continued to hang out with his friends though he felt weird around them and vice versa. Often they would go to a college bar, a tavern called High Barrel, and drink themselves silly.

And that's where Alaric began to realize the stark difference between he and his old college buddies. One night shortly after graduation but before everyone returned home or went on with their lives, he simply stood up from their table and went to the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror, willing to see the "hallucination" of his fae self. The disorientation had to go, he decided, and he needed to accept this if he hoped to deal with it. So instead of denying "madness" and worsening, Alaric made the right choice. By diving into his true fae mien, the Dream Dance began. His eyes widened as his true nobility shined through. He staggered backwards against the wall.

And in walked the bar owner. A portly man in his late 20s, the red-faced fellow was clearly inhuman to Alaric's eyes, too. The Boggan introduced himself as Robert Vise and tried to explain to Alaric what was happening and why Robert was so aware and drawn to Alaric's presence. But the startled Sidhe broke past Robert and ran out of the bar. He ducked down the nearby alley to breathe and try to parcel through his twisting, confused mind. Human and fae memories were trying to connect and intertwine. While he suffered, another bar patron followed Alaric out. This one was as strange as Robert, but she was no changeling. The hungry vampire felt that throb of beautiful energy and hungered to taste him. The alluring predator strolled up to Alaric to steal him into the Kiss and likely destroy his fae soul before it could recuperate. Fortunately, the Boggan had other plans. Out the back door Robert strolled. He just smiled at the vampiress and Alaric, and blew a thick cloud of smoke from his cobble pipe. The vampiress coughed at the overpowering, pungent scent and stepped back. And as the cloud cleared, the Boggan and her would-be prey were gone.

Cloaked under Veiled Eyes, Robert hurried Alaric away and into the bar's back office. There the the Boggan helped Alaric get back under control (with a few free stiff drinks and comforting words). And he also helped the Sidhe recover his mind and come to his senses. The Chrysalis was nearly over. Alaric was now fae. A late change at age 22, the Boggan noted, but that wasn't unusual for the Sidhe. Alaric took in all Robert had to offer, realizing the Escheat was honored here. He thanked the kindly Boggan from the bottom of his heart. And before he could even make the request, Robert offered to show Alaric the way to the local nobility.

Through the Mists Robert led Alaric, along the Silver Path until they reached Caer Yocuna -- heart of the Duchy of Julius Maer. There the Boggan turned the fledgling noble over to the Duchess Letitia Dain ni Dougal. Robert was paid in favor and Alaric was left to the tutelage of the Seelie Court. He was simply instructed in the Escheat before his mentorship was awarded to Sir Alexander Hart ap Gwydion, to whose House Alaric belonged. In that freehold there in the Near Dreaming, Alaric underwent his fosterage. Under Alex's guidance, Alaric learned all of the ways of the fae common and noble -- the binding law of Escheat, the vitality of honor and duty. Although still in some shock about this incredible change in his life, Alaric managed to stay open-minded and accepting of what he learned. After all, seeing was believing, and the Sidhe was witness to many strange chimera and fae in that freehold and its realm.

The Gwydion knight also took Alaric under wing for combat training. A Sidhe must be able to fight for honor and right, he was told. And Alaric had no difficulty accepting that reality. He picked up fencing and fighting with various weapons fairly quickly. His inherent athletic talent gave him an edge when it came to learning the ways of battle. Complimenting his noble skills came noble magics. He enraptly observed and learned the cantrips of the fae, mimicking his master in Sidhe magics of authority and eternity. Alaric and Alexander got along quite fine, in fact. He proved as astute a fledgling as the Duchess promised the knight. Although he had no contact with the mundane world or his parents for a full year, Alaric barely even noticed. His nightmares of tornadoes subsided some, so intent he was on embracing this new life. Alaric was completely Sidhe now, and while he remembered his mortal life, his noble duties took over.

Early Years

And when that year-long fosterage ended, it came time for the noble Fior-Reigh. Alexander decided to test Alaric's Gwydion background. He could not be a pillar of honor until he could see through "dishonor" plainly. So Alexander gathered a half-dozen Pooka from the realm, paying them each handsomely (although some had odd requests for payment). They lined up and were instructed to make a statement about a simple subject -- whether or not they liked chocolate. It fell to Alaric to listen and observe the Pooka speak and guess which ones were telling the truth and which ones lied. Only Alexander knew for sure by pulling one or two aside, paying them extra to get them to force themselves to speak the truth. So as each stated their claims, Alaric listened and considered. He picked out which of the pranksters he thought were telling the truth. Lo and behold, the Gwydion shined through Alaric and he chose wisely. The two Pooka telling the truth were singled out. The Fior-Reigh was over, Alexander congratulated him, and made ready for the Saining.

So Alaric was brought before the Duchess' Seer in full, knightly regalia. The ceremony and obeisance lasted a long hour while the Seer pronounced Alaric a full member of the nobility, a squire of House Gwydion, and a vassal of Sir Alexander Hart for a full year of service. Upon the Seer's naming of the young Sidhe, Alaric found himself suddenly engulfed in the raiments of his nobility. His chimerical spiked mace and his chain mail was strapped onto his strong body. Overwhelmed with pride and happiness, Alaric reveled in the following three days' celebration and feasting.

His squirehood lasted the full year, naturally. He remained at Caer Yocuna, often serving in guard positions of important Trod gates and the nearby Silver Path. He made easy friends with the huge Trolls who were the dominant Kith of the freehold, most of whom were ennobled knights of the realm. But as Alaric settled into this new life, the nightmares of twisters returned. They seemed almost fitting, Alaric wondered on sleepless days. After all, this was the Kingdom of Grass -- Tornado Alley to the humans. He couldn't help, in fact, but feel a measure of likeness in that raw power of wind and nature. Alaric began a dream journal. After nights when the tornadoes didn't haunt his sleep quite as much, he would review his journal. Taking the recorded images and extrapolating ideas from them, Alaric began to experiment with an unusual brand of wind magic -- Skycraft. The Art came quite naturally to the wilder Sidhe, as if the tornadoes weren't designed to torment him…but serve him. Of course, Alaric could do nothing like summon or create such a storm. But his experimentations made him wonder, even as he impressed some of the other fae.

And sometimes that magic came in handy in defense of Julius Maer. A variety of nervosae often assaulted the freehold. He, Trolls, and Sidhe knights were often sent to the freehold's outermost gates to halt their advance. In the Near Dreaming, goblins and rampaging mythical monsters consisted of most of the freehold's problems. But the warriors had more to worry about than the freehold. Though vital to the life of the fae, the freehold was not the primary concern of that Duchy. The guardianship of the connecting Trods was, and it fell to these noble soldiers to keep the Silver Path safe. At one point, however, Alaric's dreams came to terrifying life. Frightening chimerical whirlwinds ripped across the Near Dreaming's landscape, all set for the gate post at which Alaric stood guard with a Troll one day. Alaric and the Troll rushed to shut the huge iron gates. The portcullis slammed down just as one of the tornadoes slammed into that sturdy wall. Even with the heavy doors barred, it was giving way. Alaric and the Troll put all their strength and will behind those doors to keep them shut. Finally, those terrible storms dissipated.

Though relieved, Alaric never told his comrades that it was possible his own nightmares spawned the twisters -- that they were nocnitsa of his own fault. It was something he hid from everyone forever. Besides that oversight, Alaric honored the Duchy. He paid Duchess Letitia and Sir Alexander their dues in service and saved his small stipend of dross, spending very little except for minor alterations to his voile, courtesy of the well-paid Dougal Nockers. So overall, Alaric demonstrated great maturity for his newness to the new world for changelings. He even got back into contact with his human family, letting them know he was alive and well, serving in a 'secret' governmental position. It wasn't exactly a lie, after all. When his year of service ended, Duchess Letitia praised Alaric, stating that she saw a future baron or count in the young Sidhe.

The Beltane season of 1985 saw Alaric's knighting. His squirehood ended with commendation from Sir Alexander and nothing but good words from his other comrades in the Duchy, particularly the Trolls who saw a kindred spirit in Alaric's honor, brains, and brawn. With such commendations, Duchess Letitia could only invite the new knight to stay in service to Julius Maer. But Alaric had to decline. Like many young knights, he sought his fortune beyond a single world of that freehold. He needed to get out and see the world, mundane and fey. So he took up a new oath as a knight-errant of the realm. With his mace and mail, Alaric struck out into the Duchy's furthest reaches.

The young knight wandered all over the Duchy, which included Kansas City and all the outlying regions. However, much of that was not uncontested. He encountered many commoners who cared little for the nobility's claim. He never tried to force the Duchess' authority. It wasn't his duty -- only the Escheat and its enforcement concerned him, along with gallantry and experiencing life. The Near Dreaming and the mundane world alike saw Alaric's wandering. At first, he lived sparsely off of the small allowance he received from the Duchess. But news reached him when he contacted his parents once more that they were moving from Kansas to Florida. His father was retired, and left a nice investment to his son. Suddenly as wealthy as he was prior the Chrysalis and then some, Alaric purchased all the utilitarian fineries a traveling knight-errant needed.

Besides growing in wealth, Alaric also gained recognition and renown for knightly deeds. He once saved a young satyress from the forced attentions of a small corby of young Redcaps just off the beaten road of the Silver Path. Naturally, they weren't happy that Mr. Pointy Ears broke up their fun with the lass and decided to make a meal out of the Sidhe. Unfortunately, they weren't expecting the twister-like wrath of Alaric's force. He smote the Redcaps down left and right. One managed to ensnare the Sidhe's mace in his gaping jaws, but tried as he might, he couldn't bite the weapon's head off. Hawk's Head was a dutiful knight's weapon and the Dreaming itself protected his weapon. With a sharp twirl, Alaric cast the winds of the plains into the biting 'Cap with enough force to send him flying twenty yards. At the display of that unusual magic, the three Redcaps had enough. A satyress wasn't worth the trouble, so they fled. Alaric saved the damsel in distress…and was rewarded well indeed.

Though Alaric spent about 75% of his time in the Near Dreaming, patrolling it against chimerical threats, as well as Unseelie and Gallain problem-children, he did spend a decent amount of time in the real world. In fact, he returned one night to the High Barrel to visit Robert Vise. The old Boggan was still there, and they enjoyed a good-natured banter reminsciencing on the "old days". Just as they were chatting, the vampiress predator that sought Alaric's blood so long ago returned. Robert explained that she was a fairly regular customer and so long as she left the Dreamers alone, Robert had no problem with any Prodigal in his establishment. But the Sidhe had a score to settle. Vampires were an exotic species, but their claim to nobility was a farce he was determined to set straight that night. This time it was he who lured the vampiress out into the alley. An imperious look and accusation sent the shocked vampiress to her knees, where he Wyrded his mace and struck her down. Of course, it was only chimerical death. She was as in a coma. Granted, it was a coma she wouldn't recover from before morning dawned…

Later Years

However, throughout his journeys, his "twistermares" continued to assail his sleep. Some nights, he passed up rest altogether and walked the streets or roads of the Duchy in half-dazed ponderment. But once again, his dreams seemed to do more than terrorize the knight. He began to see a pattern in the visions. The tornadoes didn't always chase him. Sometimes they just tore through the countryside, leaving it bare and wrecked. And in the early 90s, the dreams altered a bit more. The tornadoes tore away the fields still, but this time something was left behind, as if exposed after the tornadoes' onslaught. A large deposit of rock stood in the center of the bare plains of sundered earth. Believing it to be an omen of some sort, Alaric began to scour the surrounding grasslands of the Duchy.

His search took many years but finally, half-hidden in the tall grasses of the Midwest, he discovered a natural deposit of heavy igneous rock. It resembled granite, but it was striated -- gneiss, he later determined. Feeling its potential, as if it were a sleeping freehold, he began to channel his own Glamour into the rock. Alaric placed his hands on the boulder, closed his eyes, and willed the energy of dreams to pour into the heart of the stone. He visited that rock twice a week, feeding it more and more Glamour. He recharged his own stores of energy by harvesting dross from chimera he defeated along his obligatory routes in the realm. There were plenty of hostile creatures in the serene-seeming prairies of the Kingdom of Grass. And at the same time as he charged up the forgotten freehold, Alaric arranged and paid for the area to be cleared of grass and the construction of a new, spacious mansion. A dirt road was blazed from the site to the nearby agricultural town of Ridgewood, which was just north of the resort town, Smithville. Once the house was built, which took a full year, Alaric moved in and continued to feed the rock, which he demanded be kept in the house's large and central "ball room".

Finally, in 1993, the boulder pulsed to life with the reawakened resurgence of Glamour. The brass brazier placed on top of the boulder suddenly blazed to life with balefire. Overjoyed, Alaric immediately contacted the Duchess, since this was technically in the outermost fringes of her realm, and no Count or Baron laid claim. Duchess Letitia sent forth a couple of her advisers to confirm Alaric's find. When it was shown to be wonderfully true, Letitia gladly appointed Alaric as its steward. Dubbing the new freehold Caer Inis, she summoned Alaric to her court for the great promotion to Baron, just as she predicted years ago. The new barony, which Alaric named Brass Horizons, included Caer Inis, the town of Ridgewood, and the surrounding farming community. Alaric was made a true noble at last. He hired proper mortals as staff for his household, keeping them as much in the dark as they needed to be. He was also appointed two knightly vassals, one from House Dougal and one from Gwydion. He returned to his new barony and gathered the handful of commoner fae that dwelled mostly in Ridgewood. He revealed his new lordship but made no demands. He offered positions to worthy fae as retainers in household but they all declined. They were not happy with the Sidhe suddenly coming in and trying to run things, as usual.

This proved for ill, however. The new freehold did not go unnoticed despite magical wards and shrouds. A small war-band of Nunnehi were the first offensive claimants. They attacked the Baron's household. The mortals locked themselves in the storm shelters while Alaric and his two knights drove the disorganized war party back. Three of the five Native American faeries were slain chimerically, and their two surviving comrades pulled their comatose friends away before Alaric could capture and punish them.

Only a year later, a far greater threat beset the household. Alaric and his knights were confronted with a frightening horde of Unseelie and Thallain. Alaric put forth an emergency summons to the Ridgewood commoners' mew for aid. But only the two Trolls in the locality responded -- the half-dozen other fae (who claimed to be Seelie) did not. The enemy gathered at the chimerical castle walls, then assaulted in concert. The three Sidhe boldly went out and met them, their Dragon's Ire driving back many of the monstrous changelings. It seemed inevitable that they be overwhelmed by this minions of the Shadow Court. But this was not when dan intended Alaric's name to fall to the backwaters of passing time (Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen II). Out of nowhere, nocnitsa descended upon the outnumbered sidhe and the horde of wicked faeries. Like back in Caer Yocuna, the changelings were all confronted with an onslaught of terrifying chimerical tornadoes of swiftly whirling color and light. They tore through the countryside, ripped apart part of the castle walls, and plowed right through the battle. Most of the Thallain were blown away. Thinking it was the Baron's doing, the rest quickly turned heels and fled. Alaric and his knights and retainers tried to pull back but the Sidhe and Trolls watched in horror as the brave Dougal (Sir Yul) of the trio was whipped up in the same motion as the "mere" Ogres and Bogles, and torn away from sight, cast perhaps into the deepest recesses of the Dreaming. Finally, on instinct, Alaric summoned his own magics of the wind. With all his effort, a mighty gale rushed down from the gray skies. While he could not hope to overpower these nocnitsa, the gale redirected the tornadoes away. He, the two Trolls, and the surviving Gwydion (Sir Tantos) made it back into the safety of the castle/mansion.

Outraged at the commoners' violation of the Escheat, Alaric and Tantos stormed into Ridgewood. They broke into the mew's weekly meeting and the Baron chastised them all. He demanded that they pledge their aid in the future should such emergencies arise again. But he was rebuffed to his face by the rebellious young commoners. Although disgusted, not even the Trolls would side with him yet. They would answer the Escheat, but his demands that they all pledge somewhat insulted even they. Unfortunately, one of the commoners took his demands even more personally. Eve Sethe, a Sluagh, decided to teach the Sidhe a lesson of humility in terror and pain.

So one night, as Alaric slept somewhat peacefully for a change, Eve crept into his castle. With a misericord dagger ensorceled to cause more pain than its sleight form might usually muster, she went to his bedside and rose the blade to strike down. She plunged the knife right through his arm, as he turned in bed just in time to avoid taking it through the belly. His eyes widened in shock and the unexpected attack blew his mind. How dare--?! He shot up from bed faster than his girth suggested possible and wrapped his hands, included the wounded one, around Eve's neck. She shrieked piercingly and tried to writhe away with her uncanny talent but his grip was too strong, too maddened. Eyes ablaze with Gwydion fury, Alaric choked Eve down to the floor. Tantos rushed through the door but it was too late for the frail Sluagh. Unintentionally, Alaric slew the Sluagh, choking the life out of her.

Saddened but at once outraged, Alaric arranged for her funeral to be done properly. He went before the mew. Eve was victorious in one manner even in death -- Alaric presented a humble apology to the commoners. But they knew why she was dead and could hardly fault the Sidhe lord. Out of the blue (so to speak), the two Trolls pledged their aid to the Baron whenever he might call. With the honorable giants setting an example, the rest of the commoners solemnly pledged their aid, too. This was not noblesse fealty, just the promise of the commoners to come at his beck in emergencies.

Recent Years

The next few years yielded safer and more prosperous times for Brass Horizons. Alaric was sent a new knight to replace poor Sir Yul. Sir Garland of the Fiona swore fealty and Alaric noblesse oblige to the knight. The Fiona helped the Baron keep good relations with the local commoners. And as Alaric's rule came to be accepted in the area, he began to even enjoy himself. Trouble still dawned and often. But he learned how to divert nocnitsa tornadoes away with his Skycraft, so they were lessened threats. He could depend on many fae to come to his aid whenever the Nunnehi and Thallain returned. He still had only two vassals and no retainers, but at least the commoners didn't hate him. The Pooka still made jokes about him, of course.

This became especially true as Alaric's nightmares continued still for years. But the Baron felt more and more attached and a part of those chaotic winds even as he was expected to remain as staunch as the freehold's rock heart that he guarded. So he decreed that in his Barony, no air conditioning or electric fans were allowed. Artificial wind generators offended him, he declared, and thus they were illegal. Naturally, most of the commoners ignored this law. Typical Sidhe borderline-Bedlam weirdness! His mansion kept no fans or A/C, however. Fortunately, the castle mien of the household was a very drafty place indeed. With the wind at his back and the earth at his feet, with the past haunting his present, Baron Alaric Bronzen ap Gwydion looked to the future. He would continue to be Caer Inis' great and implacable protector, but the Baron knew someday soon he would need help.

Significant Others

These sexy kitten Pookas attended one of Alaric's parties in 2004. That's how the noble lord met them…and began to covet their beauty and sensuality. It wasn't hard for Alaric to seduce Heidi and Wendie Jonson both through his handsome strength and comfortable wealth. The Pookas yearned to settle down somewhere rich and relaxing, and somewhere they'd be forever worshiped and adored. They found what they wanted in Alaric. The man drew both girls into hungry passions. Eventually, the three all swore Oaths not of love but reserved desires, promising their bodies for only each other. Not long after these Oaths, Alaric managed to impregnate both teenagers. The two girls gladly live with Alaric and they will undoubtedly grow into a large if "improper" family that will give the Boggans something to whisper about for years to come. On March 1st, 2005, both girls entered labor as if their biology was synchronized. That evening, Alaric saw the birth of his children. Wendie gave him a beautiful daughter, Nadia, while Heidi had identical twins of her own, and her sons were named Nicholas and Nathan. Now an unusual family of five, the "Bronzens" look forward to a future of contentment and relaxation and prosperity and joy.

Two years after the children were born, the Jonson girls wandered off--out of boredom or the draw of the Dreaming, Alaric could not say. The children were kept and raised in good faith and the hope that the twins might someday return. Of course they did, their wanderlust satisfied by 2008, and their lust for comfort and pleasure once more welcomed in Alaric's home and bed.

Heidi & Wendie

The Tyrant's Hand

Alaric is an overly strict Gwydion lord. What he says, you do, or he'll Dictum you to do it. Consequently, he's not a favorite of commoners. But so far, he's both too strong and too valuable to the Barony to depose. He may not be a nice man, but he's a stunning commander on the field of battle. And in his Barony, that's vital. But if he manages to quash all dangers in his vicinity, his "subjects" will start looking for alternative leadership if he doesn't relax a little.

Likelihood of Corruption


Alaric is too steadfastly Seelie to corrupt to wickedness. However, there is such a thing as "too good", and ignorant righteousness can inflict a great deal of damage on himself and others.


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