Queen Serena Bellamy ni Beaumayn
Shuila Maorga of Winged Judgment

Sidhe Grump
Liege of the Dán Foláireamh
Lady of the Winged Judgment
Queen of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black or white promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Usually wears backless dresses; beautiful if intense lady who favors a secretive smile
Supernatural Qualities: Bizarre air about her, like something is fluttering in the corner of your eye when you look at her
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (terrifying); Surreal Quality

Fae Mien
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 159 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long rapunzel brown
Clothing: Black simple (long chemise)
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Beautiful and intense
Supernatural Qualities: Bizarre air about her, like something is fluttering in the corner of your eye when you look at her; wings! She has wings! Vast, black-feathered eagle wings furl at her back or spread wide, at least fifteen feet across
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, including a pearl-adorned crown; black enchanted leather armor, dagger, and glaive if expecting trouble
Traits: Appearance 7 (terrifying); Surreal Quality, Wings

"The future will be beautiful and I'd hate for you to miss it.”


Date of Birth: January 8th, 1964
Home: Beaumont, Texas, United States
Family: Stuart and Francine Hughes (parents); Evelynne (birth name)
Chrysalis: External Supernatural Trigger (her spirit came through the Arcadian Gate but hovered near freeholds until a suitable hostess could be found, refusing to settle while the brutality of the Accordance War began, but eventually chose a young girl living in a hippy commune in East Texas), 1970
Mentor: Duke Kindell Hahn ap Gwydion
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (visions guided the little girl to wander away from home and into the main freehold of the area, a Sidhe-controlled lodge in the future realm of the Kingdom of Willows, where she underwent her Fior-Righ and learned the Escheat while learning her faerie arts and place in society as one of the first Beaumayn back since the Resurgence began)
Comrades: Balthasar Rane, David Ardry, Faerilyth Ardry, Meilge, Aeron Tanista, Harold diMarcos
Key Event #1: War (even while young, her knack for magical mastery made her indispensable to the duke during the Accordance War, and she was soon sent out to fight alongside Lord Dafyll himself, her deadly Arts helping turn the tides at the Battle of Philadelphia [her cantrip knocked down the magical ward on the door to Liberty Hall], and while she participated in the Great Lakes Campaign, her visions warned her fellow nobles to avoid the Isle Royale, and she was ignored...to their dooms)
Key Event #2: Treachery (indeed, Serena wanted peace, upholding that ideal as only a childling might, but no one took the young girl's pleas seriously, and so she began to turn her sneakier arts on her fellow nobles to push them towards negotiations with the commoners)
Key Event #3: Treachery (from the moment of the Treaty of Concord [where Serena stood behind David like Alia stood behind Paul Atreides at the surrender of the emperor], the young Sidhe became a true mover and shaker behind the scenes, behind even the newly established royalty, calling for the maintenance of peace and providing warning and omens of danger)
Key Event #4: Treachery (Serena stayed near High King David at Tara-Nar, a lady of the court, until at last the time was right to whisper in his ear the ultimate vision she beheld, which had impelled her to join the first wave of Sidhe out of Arcadia when most Beaumayn stayed behind; no one, not even his closest confidantes, would know of what she whispered, but it ended with her granting her leave to pursue the vision to its foretold conclusion, and the bestowment of the rank of queen over whatever kingdom her vision declared: a strange and even egregious event that turned a few heads but was soon forgotten as irrelevant)
Key Event #5: Treachery (so empowered, Serena went forth and began to gather like-minded nobles, commoners, faerie Kin, and other allies to set up what she euphemismistically called only "the winter strategy", couching it always and only in this vaguely militaristic term)
Key Event #6: Treachery (she recruited one of the rare Oba New World transplants to help her bridge to more fae and Prodigals, and Balthasar Rane helped green-light her scheme to subvert and occasionally even kidnap appropriate Sidhe ladies from across the world
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Serena set up a semi-autonomous little patch of territory in the Kingdom of Pacifica to gather her Ensemble; with the Long Winter just around the corner, she directed Balthasar and her other vassals to begin the "process"...)


Magnitude: Interregnum (circa 1700)
Details: Her memories of the past are restricted to her time back in Arcadia and are hazy and misty, save for one clarion detail likely imprinted on her soul by Jalendrel himself, this great omen driving her life's quest now, and likely it was his arts that facilitated the escape from the prison towers of Arcadia to join the other crossing Sidhe


Enchanted Leather Armor
Appearance: Feather-light black leather cuirass and plackart with ribbed faulds protects the entire torso; golden engravings swirl mystical whorls over the chest
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A 7 ft.-long polearm with an ebony shaft tipped with a nasty curved blade of shining steel
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A simple iron double-edged knife with a guarded, leather-bound hilt
Origin: Inherent


Crown of the Last Eclipse
Appearance: A slender queen's tiara made of glimmering platinum and set with a single flawless pearl of large size (125+ karats)
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Bestow the wearer bonus effectiveness when casting any mind-affecting cantrips (such as Chicanery and Sovereign)
Activation: This is a chimerical Treasure and it only works for female nobles who would wear it

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Arcane chant, etch glyphs, kiss a jewel and touch subject, create and drink potion, shower in rose petals, wave a royal sceptre

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" that she has gathered under the sway of dark yet necessary power. Visit this link for the full skinny:

The Vision

Everything she does now is for this dark portent she has held in her head since Chrysalis and now devotes her entire life to seeing to its supposedly vibrant and hopeful end.

Likelihood of Corruption


Queen Serena is cunning and wise. She's more likely to corrupt and subvert a dark spirit to serve her.


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