Shadow Amaya Lamb ni Scathach
Zila Batali of Stormcrest

Sidhe Grump
Khwaja Dirigens of Concordia
Unicorn of the Mao'lung Fragments


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Impeccable posture contrasted by an eerily calm facade; model-like statuesque beauty
Supernatural Qualities: Doesn't seem quite "with it", as if lost in memories or daydreaming of the future
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (ageless)

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 144 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Cerulean
Hair: Long simple platinum-blonde
Clothing: Black archaic (medieval)
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Impeccable posture contrasted by an eerily calm facade; model-like statuesque beauty
Supernatural Qualities: Doesn't seem quite "with it", as if lost in memories or daydreaming of the future; breathtakingly beautiful; non-functional translucent rainbow-hued angel wings
Accoutrements: Light jewelry; ancient and exotic weapons
Traits: Appearance 6 (ageless); Wings (2)

"Time is neither circular nor linear but rather immersive. All sink or swim."


Date of Birth: June 16th, 947
Home: Memleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire
Family: Leodgar and Ymma Beorhthuric (parents); Ardith (birth name)
The Awakening: Preordainment (pre-Shattering ensured children of faerie parents almost always Chrysalized; hers came with powerful visions of the next thousand years of the future)
Mentor: Leodgar and Ymma Beorhthuric
The Test: Trial by Combat (had to prove her mastery of Gae Bolga and her tamping down of her natural oracular talents to a more pragmatic view)
Comrades: Rowena Halfsteed, Bless Markenveld; Sanaz the Lapidarie
Key Event #1: War (House Scathach called her and other knights back east to Constantinople for training, continued training on the way across Europe, occasional run-in with brigands or monsters)
Key Event #2: War (in secret eastern Scathach stronghold of Barinak, trained in the Weird Way, which also encapsulated the start of her House's regular testing of her combat skills and oracular acumen in order to climb the ranks)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (having earned her House's trust, introduced to their Urman Romani relatives, acted as guardian for a few kumpaniyi)
Key Event #4: War (the Wars of Spring and Autumn began in the 11th-century, pitting the Shining Host against the minions of the Fomorians, and she spent long years on both offense and defense with her housemates in the vanguard of this global faerie struggle, she and her oathcircle, the Knights of the Horn, become well-renowned and respected)
Key Event #5: War (the Shattering hits, though not unexpectedly, and she and her oathcircle already decided to stay and defend their human allies and kin, namely those Urmen kumpaniyi in Eastern Europe, from the rise in "witch hunts" and crusades; over time, her fellow knights are slain and she alone survives)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (as the Shattering's dust settles, the Scathach consider full withdrawal into their freeholds, but Eshu alliance pays off, as the wanderers guide all Scathach, including Amaya, on the changeling way)
Key Event #7: Awe & Wonder (the Eshu that instructs her household, Sanaz, becomes Amaya's lover, and they begin to wander the world together, visiting freeholds all over)
Key Event #8: Personal Tragedy (while studying advanced applications of Soothsay in Florence, Italy, a cabal of crazed human assassins try to murder her with cold iron, and Sanaz sacrifices herself to protect Amaya; she learns the assassins were apparently sent by House Beaumayn, guided even from Arcadia, or since before the Shattering)
Key Event #9: War (House transferred her to Paris, France, to run city affairs for the Scathach and investigate the source of these murderers; begins to focus on Soothsay and related Arts to affect her interests, as well as a "softer touch" politically among the fae; she discovered that this Cult of Longbeards was a Neo-Merovingian doomsday cult who tapped into "mixed signals" from Arcadia and wrongly targeted her)
Key Event #10: Treachery (Scathach next transferred her to Nouveau France -- Montreal, there to help negotiate with the Nunnehi and guard both commoners and kinain; protected both sides as much as she could, but too many betrayals by Europeans made her role almost impossible)
Key Event #11: Awe & Wonder (gave up on duties for a time and wandered New World, exploring, living without freeholds, with only Dross and Fonts to keep her alive)
Key Event #12: Treachery (House finally urged her to settle back down and come out of the wilderness, giving her regional title after she tested for it supremely well, and assigned her to New Orleans during the Resurgence; she would soon watch the return of House Beaumayn prominently in the city with skepticism; rejected the suggestion she was Síocháin, even as she worked with all the monarchs of Concordia, but secretly wondered if she was approaching that status)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (visions no longer matters of mere practicality and strategic value but begin haunting her with mythic views that reveal her faerie soul's true nature and that she cannot deny her true nature any longer, so begins seeking out fellow Fragments)


Magnitude: Remembers as far back as the end of paganism in the 4th-century
Details: Glimpses of faerie-inspired heroes of the early Dark Ages, including Artorius


Appearance: Long, heavy, curved sword (like a heavy scimitar)
Origin: Chrysalis

Appearance: Short, curved, guardless knife (like a kukri)
Origin: Chrysalis

Light Crossbow
Appearance: Fine ash wood, meant for two-handed use, can be wielded in one, with a quiver of raven feathered quarrels
Origin: Chrysalis

Chain Shirt
Appearance: A short-sleeved shirt of steel mesh that fits snugly and seemlessly, comfortable even with nothing beneath, with a stain of a unicorn head on the breast
Origin: Chrysalis


Names: Brian Harper; Sara Mcfield; Remy Renard; Blaxton Yule; Namor Hight; Mal Limbor; Jessie Jensen; Inigo Cale; Bret Sprangle; Hunter Jacobs
Roles: Chauffeur; Housemaid; House Security; House Security; Pool Boy; Training Assistant; Athletic Trainer; Chef; Blacksmith; Computer Expert

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Arcane chant, etch glyphs, ash rune on forehead, create and drink potion, herbal remedies, smokebomb, do a backflip

Significant Others

Names: Jade, 2012; Esperanza Garcia, 2012; Kanika Tauaw, 2012; Gemma Calabrian, 2012; Alixel Xaqab'ic, 2012; Nekoko, 2012; Ric Carver, 2012
Nature: Companionship

Explore the Mao’lung here.

The Mao'lung Fragments

Jade..... Esperanza

Kanika..... Alixel

Gemma..... Nekoko


Delicate Balance

Over the ages, Amaya Lamb has maintained a careful balance between her faerie and human natures. She still does not truly distinguish between the two, since she was born before the Shattering. This has helped. But really, it's been her long and perhaps serendipitous walk across time, balancing these aspects of her being so well, that has kept her alive so long. But it is a delicate balance, one that a great tragedy or error could ruin and bring about her end, either to the Undoing or losing her to the Dreaming altogether.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

Like so many other Mao'lung Fragments, perception is her greatest ally. She sees and foresees most of what may threaten her, and avoids or counters it accordingly, with almost contemptuous ease.


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