Viscountess Gwen Coyle ni Fiona
Saiga Casad of the Black Battlement

Sidhe Wilder
Viscountess of Caer Lunara
Lady of the Black Battlement
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 128 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: Red and black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A young redhead with curvaceous and smokin’-hot beauty and a rebel streak a mile wide
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (smoldering)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Spring-green
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: Black and brown archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A young redhead with curvaceous and smokin’-hot beauty and a rebel streak a mile wide
Supernatural Qualities: The source of her beauty is quite obvious in her Sidhe features: the elfin facial features and noble poise above all
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, frequently girded for battle with arms and light armor
Traits: Appearance 7 (smoldering)

"No, I refuse to sit around and wait for some Prince Charming to save me. I’ll save myself!"


Date of Birth: July 17th, 1980
Home: Bowie, Maryland, United States
Family: Fergus and Eleanor Coyle (parents), Brian (younger brother)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (wealthy family led to a bit of a spoiled upbringing tempered only by the expectation that she serve as babysitter for her much younger brother; her Chrysalis struck during a major bout of frustration and boredom, the lovely and popular teenager missing yet another party; she started “hallucinating”, and followed the phenomena—chimera, no doubt—out, in a daze, until so led she stumbled into Caer Crios), 1997
Mentor: Duchess Elena-Anastasia Nicholenskya ni Fiona
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (the duchess and her retainers took in the Chrysalid and helped her recover her wits and learn about the life of the fae, her Fior-Righ including a grand party that the duchess took joy in planning; she reassured her family that she simply had gone off to college and cut ties)
Comrades: Autumn Shipp, Shannon Ransford, Karen Edwards, Regina Attenberry
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (always a bright yet athletic youth, she took to knightly Sidhe training with aplomb, growing skilled with traditional and modern weapons alike, groomed to be a vassal of the duchy)
Key Event #2: War (her training cut short when a dark count of House Balor and his minions kidnapped her and several other retainers with the intent of either slaying or corrupting them; she refused to wait to be rescued and battled her way to liberty against Thallain thugs twice her size, leading the other hostages to freedom and victory and sending the Balor packing back into the shadows)
Transition: Shift in Nature (but the Balor still managed to plant dark seeds of evil magic in her and the other retainers’ minds, cursing them with wracking agony that the duchess and her councilors struggled to cure; Queen Serena appeared, unwove the magic, and accepted Gwen as “payment” for the service, asking her to join the Ensemble as one of its mighty guardians; she agreed, and traveled to the other side of the country to make new friends and start a new life)


Magnitude: In the festive Duchy of Chesapeake, her memory of Arcadia was well-fostered and she remembers back to the Shattering.
Details: She recalls being a fierce and fearless knight and master archer throughout her long centuries in the Dreaming.


Leather Armor
Appearance: Treated leather that pads her entire torso and shoulders, reinforced with a hardened cuirass chest piece, and emblazoned thereupon with the sigil of House Fiona.
Origin: Inherent

Short Sword
Appearance: A thick-bladed, sharp-pointed, 25-inch long sword with a conventional guard and pommel.
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A double-edged knife with a guard, designed to be wielded as either an emergency weapon or in accompaniment to the short sword.
Origin: Inherent

Long Bow
Appearance: Gwen considers this her primary weapon: a recurved long bow of ash wood, perfectly balanced, glazed with a wondrous finish and etched with fanciful figures. It includes a quiver of 12 arrows, each with different colors in the feathers, which replenish once per week.
Origin: Inherent


Names: Caitlin Miller, Eliza MacDonald
Roles: House Servants

Bunk Styles

Style: War & P.E.
Examples: Leap, rally forces, spin around, get limber, fire a sounder arrow into the distance

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:

Never Fear

Gwen is never afraid, even when she should be. Especially when she should be.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though a bit reckless and eager to join combat, she's got her sights set straight.


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