Squirette Abrianna Cunningham ni Eiluned
Fadaya Clistel of the Red Tower

Sidhe Wilder
Lady of the Red Tower
Armiger of Caer Lunara
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: A beautiful, quiet-souled, and watchful young woman
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (stunning)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: (Very) long Rapunzel blonde
Clothing: White promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: A beautiful, quiet-souled, and watchful young woman
Supernatural Qualities: She wears nothing to suggest her House allegiance though her dreamy, elfin beauty makes her easily recognized as Sidhe; more shocking is the length of her hair—spilling and coiling on the (clean) floor around her feet in a gently braided piled
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 7 (stunning)

"Will I ever leave? Will I ever want to?"


Date of Birth: February 3rd, 1974
Home: Fairfield, California, United States
Family: James and Harriet Cunningham (parents), Albert (older brother)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (a bright, pretty, and popular girl, her youth was fairly bourgeois unremarkable; when Abri went to college, she got involved in sorority, and it was during a binge party that her a long-detained Eiluned Sidhe soul finally escaped the Mists and took over; she dropped out of college and moved to the city, drawn by intuition towards fae hot spots, so given up by her family as having “gone Bohemian”), 1994
Mentor: Duchess Aoibhell Braith ni Liam
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (She presented herself to the duchess and began her education in the faerie life, and her recitation of the Escheat served as sufficient to earn her Naming rite)
Comrades: Juliana Oates, Serena Bellamy
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (she was not particularly fond of court life; her fascination with magic had her exploring the Near Dreaming with relative impunity, befriending most chimera and outwitting those she couldn’t)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (she discovered a mysterious tower in the Near Dreaming, linked by Trod from Caer Lunara, and climbed to the top to discover an impressive arcane library, only to discover it was a trap and she was locked in, forever condemned to that place and its books, with little sustenance to keep herself alive, and no explanation as to who once built and owned the tower, or why anyone would want to trap her there; curiously, this distant entity has also protected her both from discovery and enemies, smiting dangerous chimera from afar)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Queen Serena visited and offered to bring her food and water and company if she swore herself to the Ensemble; Abri agreed, finding her life in the tower possibly acceptable or even desirable from then on; at the very least, it gave her an excuse to grow her (chimerical) hair to wild lengths--now about 12 feet long)


Magnitude: A strong memory reaching back to the Shattering.
Details: She recalls her life in Arcadia with a series of glimpses, always centering on her as an accomplished and revered sorceress and truthsayer to faerie royalty.


Fairytale Books
Appearance: A series of old-fashioned bound fairytale books, many of which inspired (or were inspired by!) the Brothers Grimm.
Origin: Inherent

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Arcane chant, etch glyphs, create and drink potion, crystal divination

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:


Unlike Rapunzel, Abrianna is actually bound magically to her tower in the Near Dreaming. She may even be doomed to stay there by the power of Dán.

Likelihood of Corruption


She's far removed from evil influences and paid regular visits by powerful friends who care.


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