Sir Sean Ballinamore ap Fiona
Tairan Ballinamore of the Eyrie Castle

Sidhe Wilder
Guardian of the Duchy of Julius Maer
Knight of the Brotherhood of the Shield


Mortal Seeming: ~Ruggedly handsome, young Sean Ballinamore seems to be more than meets the eyes. Sparkling brown eyes complement curly honey-blond hair. Boyish charm converges with proud heritage, all evident in his upright yet vigorous comportment. Clearly not one to lay about, the young man reminds viewers that once upon a time, there was such a thing as a noble class. A noble class that was indeed noble: full of life, energy, honor, pride, and heroism. Sean embodies all that, even in his prep boy attire: khakis, silk button-down shirt, loafers. There is a sense that he is meant to be here, and he is on your side.~

OOC: Appearance 3

Fae Mien: ~A brilliant smile reflects in ardent and verdant-brown eyes. Those eyes are full of earnest passion, a zest for life and love that cannot be repressed. A smooth and youthful face is framed with a curly mane of burnished hair. The elven faerie rises with knightly prestige and grace, yet his easygoing flair does not abate. In peace times, the dreamily handsome warrior will be wearing his typical voile: brown pantaloons, an off-white silk shirt with ruffled trim, and a black vest for contrast. On the vest is emblazoned the coat-of-arms for the Fiona and Sean Ballinamore’s family of ancient Welsh lineage. Only a sheathed dagger at the waist appears to be at arms for the Sidhe.

But if girded for war, Sean appears far more daunting. From head to toe is encapsulated in armor of the finest, most ethereal quality. The silvery plate mail looks more ceremonial than combat-ready, for it glimmers and shines like silver, not steel. Yet, it was clearly custom-designed for the Sidhe, engrossing his tall and lean shape completely in metal, but posing little restraint to his natural grace. The armor encases every limb, from his feet to his hands. The helm is complete with a visor he would lower only when charging his enemy. A bright green tassel drifts from the root of the conical helm. A half-tabard in emerald-green drapes over his torso, save for the head of a lion etched into the breastplate. Strapped to his left arm is a broad triangular shield with the same motif as the armor. At his waists are strapped a sheathed broad sword and the dagger. If fully girded for battle, most likely he’d be mounted upon a great destrier, with a sharp wooden lance clasped in hand and braced to the saddle. In short, Sir Sean Ballinamore ap Fiona looks and acts like a heroic knight. Pray you aren’t a villain!~

OOC: Appearance 5

"I am your champion, milady."


No Chicken

The year was 1985: America was at the height of its Cold War with Russia. Sean was born to Thomas Belle and his wife, Ellen, in Chicago, Illinois. He remained their only child, for they were up-and-coming middle-class that wanted to avoid too many financial burdens. Thomas worked for a big military contractor and Ellen was a round-the-clock ER nurse. Sean almost had to raise himself.

As a child, Sean never exhibited a notable talent for academics. He was always much more athletic and engaged in multiple sports (which kept him busy while mom and dad worked). Little changed in his family life even after he contracted an unusually severe case of chickenpox in 1990, during which he nearly died.

In fact, Sean’s human soul was displaced while on the brink and lost in the hallucinations of fever. A Sidhe soul merged with Sean’s body and helped restore it to vigor. The hallucinations of his fever actually proved to be the signs of Chrysalis, and the bloom of Glamour heralded a Fiona warrior.

Rearing a Hero

That flare of magic did not instantly attract denizens of the Dreaming, good or bad, because of how taken he was in the sick bed. But soon after, local nobles took notice through their dream-weaving and sent scions to recruit the Childling Chrysalid. As a young Sidhe, a number of Fiona and Dougal nobles oversaw his instruction. They guided and eased him out of mortal life and into the world of dreams. It was always easier with Childlings, provided the parents were somewhat neglectful and oblivious. Among all of his instructors, an aging yet jovial Grump named Sir Glen Northyear was Sean’s most beloved teacher. Glen taught the young Fiona the ways of battle, helped the boy remember the past, and instilled the sense of chivalry that Sean so abided everyday after.

Sean’s personality also changed, though his parents chalked it up to adolescence. He became a much brighter boy, eager to inspire and lead his schoolmates. Whatever sport he played, he had to be the best and be the captain of the team. That drive served Sean well at his Fior-Righ at the age of 13, right after aging as a Wilder. An official changeling tourney in the region drew contestants from miles and miles. There were classic challenges: dueling, jousting, horsemanship. Sean excelled if not took victory, and thereby earned his place as a full-fledged nobleman and knight of House Fiona.

Like a Lion

The young Seelie warrior thus began his loyal service to the duchess, Letitia Dain ni Dougal of Caer Yocuna (just outside of Kansas City). He underwent the glory of the Naming, adopting his original Sidhe surname from Arcadia: Sir Sean Ballinamore. His schooling was completed at “home” and his parents thought him off for a boarding school for the gifted. For several years, Sean earned his name and glory, battling numerous chimerical enemies that hounded the freehold and its demesne. Many commoners of the region came to respect Sean’s unwavering bravery, sober spirit, and earnest blade. He never turned down a just fight, even at the risk of his own young life. Some say that was merely a boon of the Fiona legacy, but for Sean such courage was incarnate, a way of life.

In fact, the knight welcomed danger. Besting the hazards yielded greater glory! Whether in future tournaments or on the battlefield, Sean always charged at the front line. And nowhere was Sean more highly distinguished than his conduct and victory in 2004. The Army of the Twisted Trident, a force of adhene from beyond the Dreaming. This darksome enemy was vanquished at great cost to the Seelie defenders. Sean’s heroic actions on that field gained him recognition by Queen Mary Elizabeth ni Dougal herself.

True Heart

Now, Sean might have been content to simply serve and bend his will to his liege-ladies and lords. However, an act of treachery unanswered changed his heart. His dear old friend Glen Northyear was pushed into the Undoing by the machinations of a bitter courtier rival. This Eiluned manipulator unseated Sir Glen’s position as trainer at Caer Yocuna, forcing the Grump into retirement, where he slipped at last into Banality. Sean felt the bitter knife of Banality stab into his own heart, as he dared imagine he should have slain Glen himself before the good man’s very soul was erased by the Winter.

Instead, Sean turned his enmity outward upon the courtier. His courage became double-edged, as his Sidhe temperament caused him to rough the courtier up badly. It was enough to make the Eiluned admit that he acted upon the will of the Beltaine Blade. Glen’s good-natured, moderate advice long affected Duchess Letitia’s heart. Disgusted by the politicking, Sean swore to never let the “Tories” diminish another good man. The aggressiveness of the Wilder frightened the Eiluned enough that he fled the estate.

Fortunately, the courtier did not want the reasons behind the confrontation becoming public. Sean’s improper aggression against the Beltaine Blade agent never became known. His honor unstained, Sean continued to perform his duties. But always now, he examined his fellow nobles with a suspicious eye. Such apprehension apparently drew notice, for combined with his honored name, the queen assigned a task of great importance the next year. Sean was to watch over and guard Princess Gwendolyn Ruairidh with the same honor and bravery he evinced all of his life.


Sean recalls his past life in the Dreaming to a limited extent, simply by talking about it gregariously with others. He recalls being an elite member of a cavalry force. He remembers charging the fields at full gallop, loosing a fearless war cry, at the Battle of Ulockharn. His memories are often a blur, but once in a spell, he regains a glimpse of the glory of the Dreaming, and his impressive role in the pageantry of fantasy.


He was appointed a duo of pages – both enchanted mortals with no special talents, just great loyalty to both Sean’s liege and Sean himself. They are his armorers essentially: helping him done his mail and they keep it clean and ready. They also oversee his assigned chimerical steed back at the queen’s castle back north. Their names are Horace and Benny Dimpelstein. They’re brothers and they’re a little kooky (partially Dreamstruck), but Sean gets along with them just fine.

Significant Other

In autumn of 2005, Sean had been assigned to the Duchy of Julius Maer. Visiting the realm was Princess Gwendolyn Ruairidh ni Fiona, niece and adopted daughter of Queen Mary Elizabeth of the Kingdom of Grass (and in line for the throne). Within a few weeks, the renowned young knight was given the prestigious assignment of Gwen’s safety. With Samhain approaching, no chances could be taken. The young Sidhe were fast friends, and flirted and frolicked – all quite innocently for many weeks. Eventually, love blossomed. It is a sweet and gentle love, respectful of one another’s hearts more than titles. Indeed, Sean’s a lowly knight, “unworthy” of a princess. Nevertheless, they’ve managed to keep their romance a secret for several years. (Time does fly in the Near Dreaming though!) Perhaps in time they can publicly consummate their love and be married. For now, they’ve kept their Oath of Truehearts a secret. If Mary Elizabeth abdicates for another, Gwen will be freer to marry as she pleases. Conversely, if she ascends to the throne, she’ll be queen and can marry whoever she damn well pleases. Regardless, Sean will stand by her side as guardian and true love always.



Broad Sword
Level: 2
Origin: Like most of his equipment, this broad sword was presented to him upon his Fior-Righ. He has not given it a name, though he takes close care of it.
Description: A fine dreamsteel broad sword, this weapon is over 35 inches long. The hilt is wrapped in leather for easier grasp, and the Fiona blazon is etched onto the crossguards center. The scabbard is leather and unmarked.
Effects: En garde!
Glamour Costs: Sword: 0
Activation: Draw it from its sheath and go to war!

Level: 1
Origin: This is the only chimerical item besides voile that Sean brought with him from Arcadia. It materialized when he underwent the Chrysalis, as if part of his voile. In many ways, this represents a sort of humble beginning for the knight.
Description: A simple iron dagger in a leather scabbard, no markings or name for it, though it is well-treated and kept from rust.
Effects: Back-up weapon, go!
Glamour Costs: Dagger: 0
Activation: Draw it from its sheath and hope for the best.

Level: 2
Origin: This weapon was given to Sean along with his other gear upon maturation. He only carries it when mounted on a warhorse.
Description: This is a heavy lance: it was carved from the finest oaken heartwood in the Dreaming, braced with brass rims, and tipped with a sharp brass point. It has no markings. It can be rigged to a warhorse saddle to free up the rider’s hands. It comes with three spare tips that would demand a chimerical smith (Nocker) to replace.
Effects: Tally-ho!
Glamour Costs: Lance: 0
Activation: Point, hold level, charge forward, and ouch time ensues.

Sidhe Plate
Level: 4
Origin: As stated, this was awarded with all his gear upon his Chrysalis. Though only a lowly knight, he was given full Sidhe plate because of his evident Arcadian renown. (Somebody important has good memories of him!)
Description: This elaborate full-bodied suit of armor appears to have been crafted from silver, normally too soft a metal for armor. But it has been specially treated to be hard as steel. It fits him perfectly, of course, having been custom-fit for Sean alone. It includes a conical helmet with a green tassel, a green tabard, and a lion sigil etched on the breastplate.
Effects: Hmm? What spear? I didn’t feel anything.
Glamour Costs: Armor: 0
Activation: To wear the armor properly and comfortably, Sean requires one assistant to aid in the donning. If he tries to put on the armor by himself, it will not be fully connected, reducing its armor value by 2 and increasing the Dexterity penalties by 1.

Level: 3
Origin: This light shield is considered part of the Sidhe plate set.
Description: It is like the Sidhe plate: apparently forged from silver, yet hard as steel. A lion’s head is formed on the triangular front. A leather grip exists in the back.
Effects: Block opponents’ attacks.
Glamour Costs: Shield: 0
Activation: Hold up between body and bad guy.

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Ash rune on forehead, slam weapon into ground, etch glyphs, assume a fighting pose, salute

Romantic Heroism

Of course, Sean believes all the old stories about romantic heroes and tilting at windmills. He’s living those stories, after all! Heck, he’s the source of those stories. Of course, no matter how the fae try, they are after all just stories. Their Glamour can bring them to life, but the banal world is closing in fast. Those who are most in touch with the beauty and glory of dreams are the most susceptible to Banality. And by trying to elude its touch, Sean may disconnect with his mortal soul and slip into Bedlam.

Likelihood of Corruption


His sense of honor, his code of chivalry, his resolve and fearlessness all add up to one heck of a hero.


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Rest in peace, Heath Ledger.