Lady Saga Koll ni Aesin
Eventyr Dunkelskaer of the Darkstorm Demesnes

Red Ring
Sidhe Grump
Guardian of Cat Glacia


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145 lb.
Ethnicity: Mixed (white/black—but fair-skinned enough to pass white)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: White and blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: This gorgeous woman in her thirties stands tall with bright eyes, a self-assured smile, a rugged and woodsy composure, feminine curves contrasting corded musculature, and high-boned and aquiline features akin an aristocrat
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (majestic)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 146 lb.
Ethnicity: Mixed (white/black—but fair-skinned enough to pass white)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple dark-brown
Clothing: Black archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: This gorgeous woman in her thirties stands tall with bright eyes, a self-assured smile, a rugged and woodsy composure, feminine curves contrasting corded musculature, and high-boned and aquiline features akin an aristocrat
Supernatural Qualities: Her true fae mien reveals not only the fantastic majesty of her true beauty, but the fierce and fiery disposition of a fearsome dark knight hell-bent on rulership over the obedient and punishment of the defiant
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, usually heavily armed and armored
Traits: Appearance 6 (majestic)

"Dear brother, you know you need me on this."


Date of Birth: July 30th, 1974
Home: Little Bean Area, Missouri, United States
Family: Linus and Unna Koll (parents); Gunnar (older brother)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (grew up in rural home near a forest, father a Green Beret and Vietnam vet, mother a Sidhe; she and her brother were always close, and explored the forest together, always willing to talk and listen to nature; they were home-schooled at first but eventually matriculated into high school; Gunnar adapted well, brought right onto the football team, but even Saga’s prettiness did not avail her, and she was bullied until she and Gunnar both flared-up into Chrysalis and beat the poor bullies into near-comas), 1985
Mentor: Baroness Unna Koll ni Aesin
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (her mother pulled them both from school and oversaw both their initial educations as fae, teaching them of the history of the Kithain and the Escheat and the expectations of the Aesin—for yes, she had inexplicably arrived from Arcadia during the First Resurgence when no other Aesin could; Unna’s duties often took her away from home; “Uncle” Martin Anderson, their dad’s war-buddy and Troll Kin, helped educate Gunnar further, while Unna took Saga under wing more closely)
Comrades: Gunnar Koll, Martin Anderson, Jarvis Hartman, Blake Colbert, Jason Colbert, Joel Uther, Elgar Kosman, Connor Erc
Key Event #1: War (her mother didn’t haul Saga off with her for fun or mother-daughter bonding, but to ensure Saga’s knightly training was put to the baroness’s extensive use as an enforcer for claims she made especially up in the Chicago area, seizing control of Trods [ley lines] and vying for rights to an important freehold [nexus] that the Prodigal undead-sorcerers once held and lost after the Prince Lodin incident, so she battled numerous fae and even Prodigals for her mother, including Nunnehi--whom, at her mother's direction, she slew with cold iron)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (Unna’s jockeying for power and prestige backfired—she and Saga fell into a trap that rivals among House Ailil left, pitting them against Prodigals [a vampire and her ghouls] armed with cold iron knives; their focus on disarming the ghouls of the cold iron was successful but overextending, and the vampire struck Unna down with a [thankfully just steel] katana; Saga flared up with Dragon’s Ire and defeated or frightened away the rest of their enemies, then wept over her mother who slipped away)
Transition: Loss of Companions (no longer bound to their dead mother, Saga returned to Missouri and sought out the rest of her family, learning then her brother had carved out a name for himself in his own right, and so she swore fealty to the local Unseelie baroness while joining her brother at Red Ring, sharing and cultivating each other’s ambitions)


Magnitude: Saga’s memory reaches back through the Interregnum.
Details: She can recall details to her long life in the heart of Arcadia, though far was it from blissful—as Aesin, she often found herself on the front lines of war against various dark forces and monsters, and can recall some of those battles with perturbed clarity even today.


Axe of Driven Snow
Level: 4
Appearance: A powerful Viking-styled battle axe with a haft of solid oak, seemingly blackened by fire, while the wide and sharp blade crafted from the finest of steels and engraved with a single rune representing her family bloodline.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Those she strikes with this axe take additional damage if already affected by any Kryos cantrip, even a mere chill.
Activation: The weapon is chimerical. To take advantage of a Wyrded Kryos effect on a target, the weapon must be also be Wyrded.

Sidhe Plate
Appearance: A suit of faeriesteel plate armor that was perfectly molded, custom, to Saga’s figure, not only protecting and avoiding restricting but enhancing, replete with elegant engravings and designs reminiscent of Norse artistry
Origin: Inherent

Light Shield
Appearance: A light heater shield in the classic triangular shape, forged of faeriesteel like the armor it was paired with, and also bearing proud symbols linking her as a knight of House Aesin.
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A plain double-edged knife with a small guard and undecorated scabbard, intended as a back-up weapon.
Origin: Inherent

Long Bow
Appearance: A well-made long-ranged bow carved from ash. Its arrows bear feathers of the raven in a quiver that holds eight, which self-replenish once a week.
Origin: Inherent

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Etch glyphs, kiss a jewel and touch subject, recite lineage, slam weapon into ground

Significant Other

Name: Gunnar Koll, 2011
Nature: Companionship

Sir Gunnar

Whatever It Takes

Saga is a powerful noblewoman and a dark knight of repute--ill repute in some circles. Her sins will come back to haunt her.

Likelihood of Corruption


She may be hell-bent on doing whatever it takes to win, but she also has a solid fraternity to help her keep her feet on the ground.


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