Lady Islene Duinseach ni Leanhaun
Dyala Chain of the Fountain of Verdant Mist

Eclipsing Fingers
Dame of Cat Routh


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple red
Clothing: Red clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Statuesque, lovely, immaculately graceful and langorous, and utterly irresistible, Islene is surely a supermodel/actress/princess
Supernatural Qualities: But she is none of those professions, instead radiating a purity of beauty and fey innocence suggesting she's more likely a local dance teacher or potter
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (bewitching); Style 4 (sidhe wilders); Animal Magnetism, Surreal Beauty

Fae Mien
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple copper-red
Clothing: Red promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Supernatural Qualities: Islene's Sidhe beauty shines through when the Seeming drops, revealing a living goddess of enthralling charm and dreamy elegance, from the tips of her elven ears to her pedicured and painted toenails
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, short sword
Traits: Appearance 7 (bewitching); Style 4 (sidhe wilders); Animal Magnetism, Surreal Beauty

“Oh, no, this dance is for someone special.”


Date of Birth: April 19th, 1980
Home: Inishannon, Cork County, Ireland
Family: Oisin and Liza Duinseach (parents), Tiernan (younger brother)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (having grown up in rural Ireland, she spent her early years learning how to sculpt, sketch, and dance; her Chrysalis triggered when she finally mastered the fouette and incorporated that ballet into her own modern interpretative dance that channeled her surging Glamour), 1992
Mentor: Padraig O'Gara
The Test: Trial by Influence (the flare of magic drew other Sidhe to the studio and turned her over to her legacy House for the Fior-Righ, who managed it like a boarding school; here Islene met and befriended Cristiona, as well as learned/recalled the ways of the Sidhe and the fae, both Seelie and Unseelie rules, prior her official Naming ceremony)
Comrades: Tess Smith, Cristiona Paise, Nineve Aloysha, Ranozir Karkadin, Wyatt Roum, Zofia Lindahl, Antonia Cerini, Yvie Macdonald, Esme Horton
Key Event #1: Treachery (with Cristy, Islene early on decided she preferred the company of women; that didn't stop a would-be suitor named Ciaran Lynch, a close friend of the Leanhaun Grump who oversaw her Naming, from hounding her for years; she tried to negotiate and bribe and buy off his interest to no avail; her polite disinterest only deepened him into obsession)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (and so, Islene fled her homeland for America, moving far out of the way to the Midwest and solitary, away from all fae courts and concomitant intrigue)
Key Event #3: Awe & Wonder (but there unexpectantly, she met and fell in love with a Prodigal mage named Tess Smith; their whirlwind romance let her enjoy love while being herself, with no judgment from the shadowy mystick forthcoming for her House-born "indulgence" of human artists)
Key Event #4: War (then Cristiona showed up in town, not as a romantic rival but to warn Islene that Ciaran had found her; so, with Tess's direct yet subtle aid, Islene was able to put Ciaran out of business for good, traveling back to Ireland with her lover to crush the scheming Ailil once and for all, without slaying him of course)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (Islene returned to Kansas City with Tess, opening a dance school for both income and to attract a pool of dreamers she could tap for Rhapsody)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (at last feeling stable and secure, on the eve of Grumphood but feeling more invigorated and passionate than ever, she even considered reintegrating herself into local Sidhe politics, starting with offering honest and simple advice to younger Sidhe who came a'calling)


Magnitude: Islene's memory has improved since her Chrysalis, thanks to her associated with the Prodigal shadow-witch, Tess Smith. She can now remember back before the Shattering.
Details: Her most distant memory includes that of her as a druid-queen in the vicinity of ancient Cork, where she ruled kindly and battled Formorians mercilessly.


Short Sword
Appearance: A short sword in a simple leather scabbard, in the iron-forged fashion of the ancient Celts' blades.
Origin: Inherent

Portable Mud Room
Appearance: A small clay bowl that, when activated, expands into an open air mud room with a potter's wheel and plenty of spare chimerical clay, and a fully functional potter's oven.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Allows her to sculpt chimerical objects and fire them into clay form.
Activation: She must pour natural spring water into the bowl and utter the command phrase in Irish.

Bunk Styles

Style: Social Butterfly
Examples: Seductive ploy, sensuous dance, spirited dance, deliver a kiss, get limber, shower in rose petals

Significant Others

Names: Cristiona Paise, 1994; Tess Smith, 2003
Nature: Erotic; Romantic



Middle of the Dance Floor

Islene is often the center of attention. She's used to it. In fact, she's puzzled when she's not, such that she will act accordingly to regain that attention from those she wants it most.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though she's not at all corrupt in the sense of Winter and Banality, she's got a dark side mean streak a mile wide.


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