Princess Lisa Eastley ni Bukura
Krasota Snegbel of the Impure Humour

Sidhe Wilder
Principate of Cat Golia
Lady of the Impure Humour
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 132 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Red and blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: An amazingly beautiful and shapely young woman, rich dark hair contrasting with soft, pale, and utterly perfect skin, likely just out of high school, confused by and vulnerable in the world, and comforted perhaps by the small gold crucifix she wears
Supernatural Qualities: Her faith commands through that simple trinket despite (or perhaps because of) her subdued passivity
Accoutrements: Light jewelry (besides the crucifix necklace)
Traits: Appearance 5 (flawless)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 134 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Golden-brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black and blue promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: An amazingly beautiful and shapely young woman, rich dark hair contrasting with soft, pale, and utterly perfect skin, likely just out of high school, confused by and vulnerable in the world, and comforted perhaps by the small gold crucifix she wears
Supernatural Qualities: Her faith commands through that simple trinket despite (or perhaps because of) her subdued passivity: characteristics one would not expect to find in one of the fair folk, evident by her canted ears and noble beauty
Accoutrements: Light jewelry (besides the crucifix necklace)
Traits: Appearance 7 (flawless)

"I don’t understand. Everything’s so fuzzy."


Date of Birth: May 17th, 1984
Home: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Family: Janus and Hilda Eastley (parents), Sarah (older sister)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (upper middle class family: father was an Air Force colonel assigned to Peterson, mother was a high-level laywoman in the Evangelical Christian political infrastructure in the city; Sarah died of improperly treated leukemia when Lisa was only 3 and she has few memories of her; the lovely young girl grew up always a bit dazed and in awe of the bigger world she knew existed out there; during the 2nd Resurgence, the Bukura joined the return, and she was chosen during a “tongues” ceremony in a youth retreat: instead of having her “moment” with God, she instead was infused with the spirit of the Sidhe, whose memories were quite befuddled save for one key thing, that she was baptized Eastern Orthodox and should return to that faith, so she fled the retreat), 1999
Mentor: Herst Mallus
The Test: Trial by Influence (she ran through the woods and came across a commune of Boggans [7 to be precise] called the Central Rocky Miners Guild, who took the young confused Chrysalid in and helped her calm down, and then soon after taught her the ways of the fae with a definitively Seelie bent; the intention was to escort her to Chicago, to Caer Palatine and Queen Mary-Elizabeth of the Kingdom of Grass, but fate had other things in mind…)
Comrades: Karen Edwards, Juliana Oates, Herst Mallus, Patrik Saxer, Willy Huber, Bastian Schneider, Torsten Tarr, Jost Hart, Niels Yikes
Key Event #1: Treachery (little did Lisa know that her mother had also undergone the Chrysalis, chosen by a Bukura, but this time she embraced her new brand of Christianity and saw it as her mission to convert all Bukura to this faith, starting with her daughter, but Lisa sharply rebuffed the outreach; so Hilda slipped a chimerical serpent into the Boggan communes’ manor where Lisa slept, and its bite sent her into a nightmare-laden stupor, deepening her confusing with a swell of poisoned Glamour, while attempting to steal her cross as punishment; the girl’s True Faith repelled Hilda and the evil woman fled)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (unable to break the spell no matter what they did, the Boggans decided to drive the cursed girl to Caer Palatine under their protection, repelling a Monkey’s Paw assassin that Hilda had dispatched, with Lisa’s passive Faith aiding by sapping the killer’s cantrips; once in Palatine, Queen Mary-Elizabeth summoned her powerful court sorcerers, who together unwove the curse and restored her to wakefulness, the de-cursing completed with the caring kisses of her Boggan friends; they could not mend the long-lasting befuddlement of the toxin, however)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (the Dougal queen oversaw her belated Naming after she demonstrated her knowledge of the Escheat, but Lisa confessed her sleep had not gone unbroken—Queen Serena had been whispering to her to come to San Francisco and join the Ensemble, so Mary-Elizabeth released the Bukura to join the Beaumayn, who adopted her like a daughter [making her a princess], and the better to evade her wicked and vengeful proselytizing mother; upon taking the Oath to the Ensemble, Asil the Angel appeared, which seemed to aggravate Serena in its displays of holy purity, but the little chimera served Lisa faithfully as a spotter and voice of conscience)


Magnitude: Lisa can recall back into Arcadia about one hundred years.
Details: The main detail she recalls is that her Christian faith has persisted that whole time, and she suspects it dates back to the Bukura’s original conversion during the Sundering. And it is definitely Eastern Orthodox in nature. Specific memories of memories—shadows brought into Arcadia from the beautiful basilicas and cathedrals in Eastern Europe—tell her so.


Cruciform of Festungeist
Level: 4
Appearance: A gold crucifix strong from a gold strand to wear as a necklace.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: The potent item provides 3 free dice to resist all direct mental commands such as those issued by Sovereign or vampiric Dominate, in addition to any Willpower rolls and in addition to True Faith.
Activation: She must wear it openly and maintain her faith.


Names: Mandy Werner; Asil the Angel
Roles: House Servant; Spotter (chimerical companion)

Bunk Styles

Style: Magic Realism
Examples: Herbal remedies, talking to animals, break a mirror and gaze into the shards, shower in rose petals

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:

The Victim

One needn't have a victim mentality to find oneself frequently victimized. Sometimes, it's what Fate has in store, and so far Lisa has been a hapless and relatively helpless consumer of whatever gets served up.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite her confusion and enemies, she has a potent rock to lean on, and she's sweet enough not to make a stink out of it--and so does not alienate her fellow Sidhe. (Even if Asil's holier-than-thou attitude gets on everyone's nerves.)


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