Lady Leticia Rowbottom ni Daireann
Sio Tinkerton of Pixie Dust Revelry

Sidhe Wilder
Guardian of Cat Windsor
Lady of Pixie Dust Revelry
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Mortal Seeming
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 98 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium pixie blonde
Clothing: Pink promenade formal (backless dresses almost always)
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A spritely young woman of bright, perhaps overzealous earnest, so energetic and beautiful in her constant movement that she mesmerizes
Supernatural Qualities: none
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (hypnotic)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 99 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium pixie blonde
Clothing: Pink archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A spritely young woman of bright, perhaps overzealous earnest, so energetic and beautiful in her constant movement that she mesmerizes
Supernatural Qualities: Her gorgeous Sidhe looks can confound given her fluttering insect-like pixie wings that can and do hold her aloft mid-air
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, light stabbing implements
Traits: Appearance 7 (hypnotic); Winged

"Wait a minute, I have a better idea. Listen close..."


Date of Birth: June 27th, 1980
Home: Middletown, California, United States
Family: Bruce and Louisa Rowbottom (parents), Farrah (younger sister)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (blue-collar family, only child; even as a young girl, she proved flighty and wild, and was one of the first age-five children diagnosed with “ADD”; the spritely beauty of the child inspired the Sidhe soul to take her when she stumbled across a geothermal vent in the hills behind her home), 1986
Mentor: none
The Test: Trial by Wit (the childling was so far from other fae that none noticed her Chrysalis; with her newfound wings, she soon took to the winds and explored the world, experiencing a kind of reverse-Mists: forgetting she even had a mortal family; eventually, she fluttered down into Caer Lunara and was accepted into the Dougal court, taught the Escheat and other ways of faerie life)
Comrades: Abigail Green, Brigitte Causing, Rayleigh Dunham, Nika Casiguaya Jasmine
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (her runaway childhood enabled her to lived full-time at the Duchess’s court, where they discovered that she apparently had no actual noble allegiance, and she was eventually inducted into the Fiona as a probate until her Naming, which she met at age 13 as usual)
Key Event #2: Treachery (she was assigned the duty as a guardian of a Fiona countess about the same age, but she despised the girl’s condescending attitude towards her; thus one day when a Daireann avenger appeared to punish the countess for some slight inflicted back in Arcadia, Leticia simply stepped aside and let the Unseelie strike the countess down)
Key Event #3: Treachery (for failing her duties—no one knew she actually deliberately betrayed her—House Fiona ejected her, and she flew the duchy in search of a new home; the Daireann ultimately invited her in due to her appreciation of a good feud)
Transition: Defeat (while running an errand for a Daireann pirate, Captain Greenbeard, that involved her kidnapping a pair of Dreamers, she was thwarted by their older sister who turned out to be a clever little Liam named Regina; irritated, she almost assaulted the other Sidhe right-out, but Queen Serena appeared and offered another approach: help her and the Ensemble succeed, and she’d be rewarded and elevated as she so richly deserved, so Leticia agreed—better to serve an evil queen than some pirate captain has-been anyway, though she has since turned more and more to booze to cope)


Magnitude: Leticia’s memories are superb, reaching well back into the earliest days of the Sundering.
Details: Leticia’s memories about faerie life and the Silver Path were keen enough that she knew exactly what she was doing after her Chrysalis, even without a mentor to guide her.


Appearance: A slender 30-inch long blade with a sharpened edge but primarily intended for quick thrusts; the guard is bowl-styled, while the scabbard is plain.
Origin: Inherent

Appearance: A small, slender double-edged knife with a guard meant as an off-hand or back-up weapon.
Origin: Inherent


Bag of Enchanting Dust
Level: 2
Appearance: A small leather drawstring-bound pouch filled with common sand.
Origin: Inherent
Effects: She may enchant up to 3 people per day by sprinkling them with “pixie dust”.
Activation: One Glamour must be spent to use the bag as a “transaction fee”.

Bunk Styles

Style: High Fantasy
Examples: Kiss a jewel and touch subject, shower in rose petals, arcane chant, break a mirror and gaze into shards

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:

Pixie Brat

Leticia is treacherous, underhanded, two-faced, vindictive, boastful, drunken, and reckless. She has her good qualities, too, to be sure, but those tend to take the spotlight.

Likelihood of Corruption


Her lack of self-control and selfishness make her very vulnerable to manipulation, sheltered now only by her allies in the Ensemble.


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