Princess Alice Hammond ni Eiluned
Onsa Tor of the Jeweled Spire

Sidhe Wilder
Peer of House Trois
Heiress of the Kingdom of Willows


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Purple casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A fabulously beautiful Southern belle of a teenage girl, who may often be found in her cheer uniform instead of stylish clothing of the trending hour, Alice wears her easy appeal with mellow pride and bright-eyed earnest, always knowing just what to say and when
Supernatural Qualities: She's so beautiful, in fact, that she somehow seems too beautiful; many might wonder if she's "had work done" even at her tender age
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (dreamy); Style 2; Perfect Protocol, Surreal Beauty; Echoes: seems too beautiful (1)

Fae Mien
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple gold
Clothing: Purple promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Supernatural Qualities: Her beauty takes on a divine luster in her true form, from elfin ears to delicate sandaled toes; the Sidhe stuns in her regal gowns, and soft patient smiles do little to curtail mesmerized gazes
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry
Traits: Appearance 7 (dreamy); Perfect Protocol, Surreal Beauty; Echoes: seems too beautiful (1)

"I know who and what I am. I am a woman!"


Date of Birth: March 14th, 1996
Home: Lakewood, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Family: Meilge and Aravae (parents), Faerilyth (step-sister)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (she began as a typical Southern belle cheerleader, rich but not snobby; yet, Alice was always aware of her family's fae stature and her Chrysalis was long expected; it was triggered in her early adolescence by her father's growing Nightmare, while her own raw Glamour fended off his darkness, and royal tenders swept her away from the King of Willows), 2008
Mentor: Dehlila Bellamour
The Test: Trial by Influence (she settled into her Fior-Righ away from her father, in his secondary court in New Orleans; her Naming came easily to her due to her family and upbringing; she proved naturally level-headed, contrary to her father's spiraling ambitions)
Comrades: Marron Bliss, Dehlila Bellamour, Calantha Bellamour, Raziel Varos, Stephen Hathaway, Vangelis Onesiphoros, Vesna Zlatan, Ursula Long, Tiffanie Coughlin
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (still a girl, despite not being hungry for her father's crown or any crown, she was still hungry, and found similar heart in Calantha, despite her awareness of Calantha's mother Dehlila's usurping seizure of the area and the establishment of House Trois; Meilge seemed too busy to care, however, with his eyes on the High Court, enabling Dehlila to virtually adopt Alice, the better to consolidate her claim on a new throne)
Key Event #2: Treachery (after school, Alice began to hang out with wilder Sidhe her age at all kinds of questionable and often violent venues all over town)
Transition: Shift in Nature (at an illegal MMA pit-fighting ring, she met Marron and hit it off with the potent young fighter, and her burgeoning affection was clearly not mere "rebelling"; she still had no ambition for any throne, but she knew she could be a target and avoided politics as much as possible)


Magnitude: Alice remembers a few centuries back, most of that memory tangled up in her post-Shattering Arcadian life.
Details: She recalls the gentle warmth and perennial autumn beauty of her home country in that fey realm above all, and it fills her with the desire to formulate her earthly kingdom around such simple fantasy.


Appearance: A slender double-edged knife with a jeweled hilt.
Origin: Inherent

Royal Gowns
Appearance: She has a sizable wardrobe of various chimerical raiment for every occasion, mostly heaped upon her by doting royal relatives.
Origin: Gift


Names: Jessica White, Blanche Millard, Bill Yote, Henna Marquis, Vivica Wolfe, Uriah Max
Roles: House Servants

Bunk Styles

Style: Eclectic Sorcery
Examples: Kiss a jewel and touch subject, shower in rose petals, form a circle of rocks, spirited dance, deliver a kiss, do a backflip, get limber

Significant Other

Name: Marron Bliss, 2012
Nature: Romantic


Too Perfect

She's a beautiful green-eyed, and blonde-haired cheerleader princess. So, what exactly is the problem? Oh, right: she's almost universally admired and desired, from the good eggs to the bad.

Likelihood of Corruption


She's got good friends and advisors to keep her away from her father's madness, but there are other forces that could threaten her Seelie heart.


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