Lady Nia Madock ni Liam
Canay Siure of Lull Manor

Sidhe Wilder
Lady of Caer Brucky
Songstress of Manx Records


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Cerulean
Hair: Long elaborate blonde
Clothing: Black clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: THE Nia Madock!
Supernatural Qualities: Unfathomably, dreamily beautiful, replete with heavenly cerulean eyes, and a wondrous charmed voice
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry and make-up
Traits: Appearance 5 (stunning); Fame 5; Surreal Beauty, Enchanting Voice, Changeling's Eyes

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Cerulean
Hair: Long elaborate platinum-blonde
Clothing: Black and silver promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: THE Nia Madock!
Supernatural Qualities: Sheer stunning beauty and that wondrous charmed voice
Accoutrements: She carries furled scrolls as if she were Euterpe herself
Traits: Appearance 7 (stunning); Fame 5; Surreal Beauty, Enchanting Voice

"Love smashes all barriers."


Date of Birth: March 10th, 1988
Home: Coventry, England, United Kingdom
Family: Harold and Mina Madock (parents), Lleweyn (older brother)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (upper income family, enjoyed an easy life, her schoolwork neglected despite her brightness in order to hone her natural singing voice; the Madocks were always a Liam clan, and welcomed the Sidhe soul into their daughter during an unexpected bout with a nasty flu that triggered visions of Arcadia), 2006
Mentor: Lady Paula
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (Nia's Chrysalis sent out ripples of Glamour that drew the Liam noble to her home, taking her away to teach the Fior-Righ and guide her through the Naming through her awareness of general protocols and the Escheat)
Comrades: Lleweyn Madock
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (bucking her court's hopes and irritating Lady Paula, she returned to her family and mortal life, trying out for a pop music career on Britain's Got Talent and blasting away all competition, starting her music career)
Key Event #2: Treachery (Nia kept her faerie life alive in secret by urging her military-trained Kinain brother to become her bodyguard/valet/Glamour-sourcing Dreamer, a ploy that backfired when her faerie heart fell in love with her own brother and he with her, and their relationship had to double-down the secrecy even as the spotlight of fame grew brighter on Nia)
Transition: Reassignment (after years of producing two studio albums and touring the world, she quit her first label, Virgin, and signed to a fae-friendly label at the House's urge, Manx Records, in California; meanwhile, her hectic life left her secretly in psychological tatters, torn between wealth, fame, love, and Glamour, and soon even drugs)


Magnitude: She remembers only back to the Resurgence
Details: A beautiful Liam folk singer whose name yet eludes her memory is focused on the most


Lyrical Scrolls
Appearance: Ancient vellum scrolls inked in the ancient Arcadian tongue
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Provide inspiration to make writing new song lyrics a little easier
Activation: Open and study the ancient tongue until the sigils make some sort of sense


Names: Lleweyn Madock; Marco Hutch; Scarlet Miskosic; Brittany Pelosia; numerous roadies
Roles: Brother, bodyguard, valet; agent/manager; choreographer; make-up & hair artist

Bunk Styles

Style: Arts & Crafts
Examples: Sing a song, write a song, dance

Significant Other

Name: Lleweyn Madock; 2007
Nature: Romantic


Wishes Upon a Star

Nia is a huge star, a global smash. But the fame hasn't gone to her head. With his deep and unflagging love, her brother has kept her grounded.

Her brother.

Likelihood of Corruption


The life she lives is one that can burn anyone out, much less a faerie.


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