Squirette Regina Attenberry ni Liam
Astora Haid of Promised Thimble

Sidhe Wilder
Armiger of Caer Brucky
Lady of Promised Thimble
Princess of the Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty


Mortal Seeming
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 112 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Navy and black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A vibrant and lovely young girl in her mid-teens with a knack for taking command, aided perhaps by a posh English accent
Supernatural Qualities: Yet, she also sets her listeners at ease with her firm yet gentle voice
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 5 (vernal); Soothing Voice

Fae Mien
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 113 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Earthy-brown
Hair: Long braided brown
Clothing: White archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A vibrant and lovely young girl in her mid-teens with a knack for taking command, aided perhaps by a posh English accent
Supernatural Qualities: Yet, she also sets her listeners at ease with her firm yet gentle voice, and her elfin beauty and Sidhe qualities only bolster that talent
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, and old-fashioned pocket watch
Traits: Appearance 7 (vernal); Soothing Voice

"Alright, that’s enough of that, kiddos!"


Date of Birth: January 5th, 1998
Home: Mill Valley, California, United States
Family: Peter and Jane Attenberry (parents), Jon (younger brother), Mike (younger brother)
Chrysalis: Preordainment (parents were British immigrants in the tech industry, she was born in Kent, England, in fact, but moved to America with her family early on; they had a decent lifestyle, and she grew up quickly, babysitting her younger brothers and nurturing her imagination through short story and poem composition; it was little wonder that the graceful, elegant, and beautiful young lady would attract a Sidhe soul during the solar eclipse of July), 2009
Mentor: Baron Harold diMarcos ap Gwydion
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she wasn’t the only curious person watching the solar eclipse and the Satyr Grump instantly detected her flare of Chrysalis Glamour, graciously guiding her first steps and bringing her to the court of Harold at Caer Redwood, where she began her daily after-school education as a young noblewoman who was expected to know her place, as Liam, but earned the respect of her fellow courtiers due her respect, grace, and talent)
Comrades: Shannon Ransford, Karen Edwards, Gwen Coyle, Autumn Shipp, Malina Maytin
Key Event #1: War (her young life seemed to be going swimmingly; the wisdom she had for a girl her age helped her establish a good balance between her mortal and faerie lives; tragically, however, her brothers were kidnapped by actual pirates led by a faerie cutthroat called Captain Greenbeard, and she dove head-first into the Near Dreaming to rescue them from their kidnapper—the spritely and occasionally mercenary Daireann, Leticia Rowbottom; after a series of short adventures through the chaos of the Dreaming, she outwitted the Daireann and rescued her brothers, letting the Mists do their work on their memories, while depriving Leticia of whatever victory she hoped to achieve)
Transition: Victory (she returned to the barony to a small celebration in honor of her pluck and fearlessness; her actions also garnered the attention of Queen Serena, who invited her to join the Ensemble and help watch over the childlings involved, warning her openly that Leticia had also joined—and Regina impressed Serena further by demonstrating no animosity towards the Daireann, and she agreed to help the Queen’s endeavor)


Magnitude: She can remember back approximately 100 years.
Details: Regina knows she spent a great deal of time in Arcadia traveling the Silver Path in search of something or someone—what or who though always eludes her memory.


Pocket Watch
Appearance: A common, old-fashioned silver pocket watch that needs to be daily wound to function.
Origin: Inherent

Bunk Styles

Style: Magic Realism
Examples: Whispering to the spirit world, talking to animals, shake up an 8-Ball, walk widdershins 3 times, shower in rose petals

Significant Others

The Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty is a massive collective of "fairy princesses" to which she blithely and merrily belongs. Visit this link for the full skinny:

Darling Girl

Regina is a sweetheart: generous and thoughtful of others, as selfless as a teenage girl can be. People like that get used as doormats in this World of Darkness.

Likelihood of Corruption


She can't be bought or bribed. You're going to bed right on s(c)hedule, young man.


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