Lord Lincoln Parnell ap Dougal


Link can remember very little of the past. His Sidhe memories kick in most often when he beholds any machine with a lot of cogs and gears. (His grandfather clock tends to do the trick, especially if the hearth is burning and he's enjoying a martini.) Link can recall vast crystal cities lost back in Arcadia. Music chimed throughout the day in those acoustically-perfected faerie metropoli. He longs to return such beautiful and heavenly craftmanship to this world.


Lincoln employs a small number of aides at Caer Luskia. Caretakers of the manor itself include two Enchanted humans. One is the butler and the other the housemaid. The butler also handles the groundskeeping. The butler's name is Kitt Bainbridge, and he's a stewardly and prim gentleman in his thirties. The maid is an attractive African-American woman in her early twenties, named Marguerite ("Margie") Stockton. Both are paid small salaries and given free room and board.

Link also pays -- by small salaries and free access to Caer Luskia -- a few changeling retainers, too. Due to his freehold's urban location, there aren't many fae at all in the area. But those commoners who work for him include a Boggan, Nocker, and two Trolls. The Bogganess commands his manor's kitchen, and oversees the Lodge's care as an honest Reeve. Her name is Mary Mint, a cheery Wilder in her mid-20s (though she has no patience for those who intrude upon her kitchen). The Nocker Wilder, Malcolm Max, is the only ennobled member of Link's household. This Caucasian Dougal smith serves as Steward, and also acts as a go-between with the Nocker commoners. The two Troll Thanes are Stanley Titus and Edward Galt. Both greybeards are loyal to Link's wise government. Stan is a hulking giant with a generous heart but frightening appearance. This scar-faced African-American matches Link's age. Edward Galt is leaner but still as big as Trolls always are. This Caucasian Grump epitomizes statuesque Nordic strength and honor. Both Trolls are respected warriors and Caer Luskia's strong arms.


Prosthetic Leg
Level: 2
Origin: With some help from his original Dougal patron, Link designed this prosthetic leg in time to replace his right limb that atrophied from the knee down. Naturally, it was the focus of his intent after the Naming.
Description: Unlike modern medicine's prosthetic limbs that are mainly plastic, Lincoln's leg is made of a lightweight alloy of Dream-steel. It is steam-driven, with tiny engines creating the correct pressure to react to muscle movements. It is then in turn sheathed in specially treated dark leather (and of course, he wears sharp pants or fancy robes over top of both legs). He still walks with an obvious limp, and can't really run at all. The leg occasionally belches tiny clouds of steam, though this effect is chimerical.
Effects: Help him continue to be bipedal.
Glamour Costs: Leg: 0; Effect #1: 0
Activation: Besides the occasional tune-ups, this device works constantly (or it wouldn't be much use).


Level: 4
Origin: This magic trumpet was presented to Link as a gift from House Dougal. The Nockers crafted and enchanted this instrument centuries ago. The Coronach came as a reward to Lincoln for the selfless accord he struck with the local Nockers guild.
Description: Shiny brass and a standard trumpet design conceals this talisman's true power. It is usually contained in a vinyl case with red velvet padding, until brought forth to play. Fey runes are engraved on the inside of the mouthpiece and bell horn. A small Dougal blazon is imprinted on the side of the trumpet, on the valve casing.
Effects: The Coronach has the automatic benefit of lowering Performance rolls with this trumpet by 1. When it's greater magic is summoned, Link can enthrall all listeners, mortal or fae, in a fifteen foot radius as if he were casting the Grandeur cantrip (*** Sovereign). Resistance rolls are made as normal, using Link's Performance roll as basis. So long as he keeps playing, the listeners are affected. Indeed, he could act like the Pied Piper and lead a crowd on, even picking up new thralls along the way.
Glamour Costs: Trumpet: 0; #1: 0; #2: 1
Activation: Link only has to start playing the trumpet for minor difficulty modifier. To have the trumpet evoke that enthralling magic, Link must play a more somber or mellow piece, while rubbing the imprinted noble blazon with his free hand's fingers.

Bunk Styles

Style: Arts & Crafts
Examples: Play the trumpet, write a song, recite a poem, call court to order, make an official proclamation

Caer Luskia (Freehold)

Mortal Seeming: ~Urban manors are diamonds in the rough today. Located downtown, East Side, the Parnell House occupies a square city block. The public sidewalk is framed from the squared-off estate by a four foot stone wall of granite block design. The ground rises up in a low hill towards the mansion. However, that building is only seen in parts from the street level. Just past the stonemasonry tower dozens of maples and weeping willow trees. Greenery is maintained through the estate's half-acre yardage, from lush grass to flower beds and trimmed hedges. The stonework parts at only one point on the south for the driveway. Brass gates stand open and aloof, welcoming guests who have business at the Parnell House. Cobblestone paves the way up towards the house. It concludes at the door of a two-car garage. A smaller path loops from the drive to the mansion's front door. But before one enters the house, the ash-gray genuine stonework of the mansion is worth admiring. It rises up three stories, culminating to a black-tiled roof. Dozens of windows ease the manor's breath, though they are curtained off with burgundy velvet linen. The front porch extends forward to give ample greeting space. Stone steps lead up to this covered cement platform. Exterior mats of attractive bead designs greet the visitor and homesteader alike. A swinging bench creaks quietly to the right of the door, where also sits a small table with two comfortable wood chairs.

Once inside, the warm and tasteful décor is immediately apparent. The floors and walls all bear lovely oil and watercolor paintings, sculptures, tapestries, and Persian rugs. All colors and tones match the wood paneling of the interior, giving a very "chummy" or "gentleman's club" air to the household. The foyer provides a moment to inhale the light potpourri scent in the air or enjoy the dim and romantic illumination of light fixtures and candles. A coat closet and restroom serve side-by-side. Then one enters the spacious living room. This chamber is the single largest room in the house. It provides for a score of guests with inviting armchairs, sofas, loveseats, and stools. A fireplace often crackles with heat and flame, especially on cooler autumn and winter nights. A broad coffee table rests in the middle of the semi-circle arrangement of seats. Though there is no television in this room, a state-of-the-art stereo entertainment system occupies one end of the room. And a fully-stocked bar stands at the other. Against the central wall, across from the fireplace, rests a grand piano in wood finish. Doorways lead from this room to the dining room and a flight of steps upwards.

Those steps lead to the second floor and also upwards, in a more narrow route, to the attic. The second floor incorporates two corridors, both leading by a dozen spacious bedroom suites. The halls meet at the end, where the double doors for the master bedroom stand. All the bedrooms come furnished with light décor matching the manor's theme, a queen-sized bed, a walk-in closet, a personal study desk, and a private bathroom with tub. Some of these suites are occupied by household retainers, some are not. One was converted altogether near the master bedroom. The bed was removed to make way for a general study. Shelves of books are kept here, and a desk with computer and paper files maintained. The master bedroom is much like the regular suites but bigger in every fashion. The attic meanwhile is off-limits save to the fae lord and his squire, for it is filled with tools and half-built machines and tables littered with mechanical bits and bobs. This is Dougal workspace -- and half of what is in here cannot be seen by the mortal eye.

The dining room is much like the living room in attraction, though it possesses only a long banquet table with two dozen chairs and a serving hutch. Swinging doors lead into the kitchen. The broad kitchen is a chef's dream. The floor is smooth macadam, covered here and there with a few hand-woven throw rugs. Ample counter-space is provided, along with gourmet stove and ovenworks and cutlery. Two refrigerators are maintained for the household's needs. From the kitchen, a door leads down into the basement. Stone steps lead one down to a largely unfinished basement filled with boxes and old furniture -- storage. But a narrow passage descends further into a wine cellar. The racks are only ever half-filled with Lincoln's slowly-growing collection of fine wines and his taste for their flavors.

At the end of the narrow wine cellar, the old hall turns into a small room hollowed out for one purpose. Therein stands an old-fashioned moonshine distillery, the copper manufacture long since greened. Yet Lincoln has water pumping through its old valves. The nearby fire grate appears dead and cold. Yet it is strangely warm to the touch. Even stranger is the door-sized stainless silver archway affixed to the stonewall in this chamber. There is no secret levers or panels. It's a dead end wall. Yet outside, a garden pathway of slate stepping stones terminates at the same wall, after leading across the estate's grounds from the driveway. Like many old mansion, the Parnell House seems to keep its share of oddities and mysteries.~

Fae Mien: ~Unlike many freeholds, the true fae appearance of Caer Luskia is more subdued and similar to its mortal seeming. This is likely due to its higher risk locale of the inner city. Nevertheless, it thrives on quiet, mellow Glamour. The whole estate exudes a sense of calm, bluesy contentment. In the gardens, throngs of songbirds serenade their chorus by day and night (although the nightingales are thankfully quieter!). And the whole grounds are always dark and muted. The trees provide deeper shade by day, while the moon always seems to shine brightly upon Caer Luskia after dusk. Inside, the lighting is even more relaxed than mundanely evident. Soft jazzy tunes whisper through the air whenever the lord of the manor is home.

And in the wine cellar? The still's fire grate burns bright, the small freehold's balefire glimmering heartily with dreams and Glamour. Just standing this room sends a refreshing breeze over a changeling's skin. The silver archway to the west remains closed without the proper ritual, but runes adorn the wall inside the arch, painted there in fey glitter and stardust. The Near Dreaming reflects Caer Luskia's relaxed atmosphere, and the Silver Path -- leading from the Rath in the distillery. And the Trod travels out towards Count Lathrope's domain all year round. Indeed, all year round, Caer Luskia provides the good fae of Kansas City a place of respite and luxury. Though some hate the Sidhe, few hate Baron Lincoln Parnell and the beautiful Lodge of Moonshine Blues.~


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