Viscountess Ophelia Strauss ni Tyche
Megara Creon of the Strange Tides


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Golden Nights
Status: PC
Oathcircle: Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty
Concept: Reincarnated Goddess ("Megara")
Kith: Sidhe
House: Tyche
Court: Unseelie
Seeming: Wilder
Political Impulse: Traditionalist
Seelie Legacy: Aspirant
Unseelie Legacy: Sophist
Romantic Legacies: Gamester/Jongleur
Apparent Age: 19
Real Age: 21
Chrysalis: 2011


Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 5/7 (enthralling)
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2


Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Kenning 4 (changelings), Leadership 1, Style 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Etiquette 1, Melee 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Knowledges: Academics 1, Cosmology 2, Enigmas 2, Gremayre 4 (kithain), Linguistics (ancient greek) 1, Medicine 1, Metaphysics 2, Occult 3


Arts: Chicanery 2, Soothsay 5, Sovereign 3
Realms: Actor 3, Fae 4, Prop 1, Scene 3, Time 3
Backgrounds: Chimera 4, Remembrance 5, Resources 2, Title 4
Glamour: 6
Banality: 4
Willpower: 7
Merits: Faerie Eternity (5), Surreal Beauty (1)
Flaws: Throwback (5), Vainglorious (3)

Miscellaneous Notes

Chimera: Orb of Visions, Short Sword
Oaths: Oath of Unity: Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty
Bedlam: none today
Creativity: 3
Birthrights: Awe & Beauty; Noble Bearing
Frailties: Banality's Curse
House Boons: Eye of Fate; Fortune's Yield
House Flaws: Divine Whimsy
Musing Threshold: Exalt Wonder
Ravaging Threshold: Trammel Expectations


Style: none (streetfighting)
Special Maneuvers (Brawl): Haymaker, Heel Stamp
Special Maneuvers (Dodge): Displacement, Evasion, Kick Defense, Punch Defense
Special Maneuvers (Athletics): Breakfall, Jump
Special Maneuvers (Melee): Fleche, Great Blow, Parry, Slash
Combinations (unarmed): none
Combinations (armed): Slash/Slash/Great Blow
Melee Weapons Techniques: Blades, Blunt Weapons, Fist-Loads, Polearms, Staff
Ranged Weapons Techniques: none
Firearms Techniques: none
Common Weapons: Short Sword (Diff. 5, Dmg: Str+2, Init. +1, Conceal: T; chimerical)
Armor: none

Experience Points:

What is this?

Career Class: Dilettante
Drive: Aggressive
Social Activity: Extrovert
Long Term Goals: 1) Become the Megara; 2) Restore Sidhe to divine status among mortals
Short Term Goals: 1) Understand local fae better; 2) Gather more magical powers and energy
Religion: Animism
Politics: Feodality
Sex: Bisexual/Polygamous
Traits: Mythical, Mystical, Libertine, Carefree, Persuasive, Divine, Nymph-like, Two-Sided, Distraught, Depressed, Miserable, Bitter, Outraged, Vengeful
Additional Notes: none
